11- Adeline Knight- Melissa

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I can't use any amount of words to express how happy I am that you guys seem to like my book. My views went up so much from when I first created the TikTok account last night to now.

I will be updating every Wednesday and Sunday from now on so you guys don't have to check to see if you missed a chapter. <3

And again guys, tysm for all the support that I'm getting on this book. Sorry about this huge note.
Without further ado, here you go.

As soon as I walked out of the building I saw Lorenzo standing outside of what I now know is his car.

"M'lady?" He said smiling while opening the passenger seat door.

"What I gentlemen." I laughed, getting into the car.

"Do you remember you promise?" He asked while driving.

"Yea, yea. You can pick my outfit."

"Okay." He smirked, leaving it at that.

When we finally arrived at my house, I went straight for my shower as he rummaged through my closet.

I made sure to throughly wash my hair and body as I was thinking about what he was going to make me wear.

Getting out of the shower I wrapped a towel around my body and walked out to the bedroom where I saw that he was sitting on my bed, studying the stuffed animals in the top shelf of my room.

"I didn't notice those the last time I was here, I guess I was too busy." He smiled.

"Here, I laid your outfit out on the bed, I want you to wear that and nothing more, if you decided to not listen that I won't be responsible for what happens." He said in a mischievous tone.

He probably wouldn't mind bending me over his knee if I decided to disobey anyway.

"I'll get out while you change, I can't promise that I would keep my hands off you if I stayed in here, and we have a reservation." He said, getting off of the bed and leaving my room with a click of the door.

I walked toward to bed and looked at the outfit that I was given.

A simple sleek dress with some thigh splits and spaghetti straps. A garter belt laid next to it with some stilettos and a lace bra.

As I was putting it on I noticed something was missing...

Underwear. I wasn't given any. This was his plan.

I put on everything that he had laid out and walked out of my room.

He was waiting in the hall right next to the door and as soon as he saw me walk out, he walked towards me.

"You look gorgeous, mi amor." He said huskily.

"Thank you." I whispered, blushed a light pink.

He pulled me closer to him by my waist and then kissed me roughly.

"The things that I want to do to you." He groaned moving his hands lower and under my dress.

"Your such a good girl for me aren't you?" He spoke into my neck.

"Yes sir." I replied as he kissed my neck and along my jaw.

"We need to go to dinner for our reservation, so how you behave determines what happens tonight. Yea?" He asked.

"Yes." I said, going to grab the keys.

But before so could do that, I got pushed, face against the wall, with his hand around my neck.

His other hand landed on my ass with a loud smack. "Yes?....What?"

"Yes sir." I replied wincing at the pain that turned into pleasure.

"Do I need to teach you your manners our will you remember them on your own?"  He growl into my ear, I noticed that this was turning him on.

"No sir, I will remember them." I replied.

"Good, let's go before we are late." He said, grabbing the keys and letting me follow behind him.

When we arrived at the restaurant the waiter greeting Lorenzo with a smile before he looked over at me and introduced himself.

"You must be Adeline, Lorenzo here hasn't gone one day without telling me about you. You must be special considering here's never brought anyone here before. Other than Melissa." I smile back and pushed away the fact that I'm hella curious about who Melissa was.

"Don't flatter me." I laughed. "What should I address you as?"

"Just call me Silas, I'm sure I'll be seeing you around quite often." He answered as he led us to a booth near the back of the restaurant.

We ordered our food and drinks after looking at the menu for a little bit and talked about our days.

"What else so you do other than the club you opened?" I asked, but before he could answer a blonde lady with piercing blue eyes stood by our table, eyeing Lorenzo like she wanted him to fuck her.

"Can I help you?" I asked in an annoyed tone. "I don't remember ordering a lap dancer for our dinner and I don't appreciate you looking at him like you wanna get fucked."

"It's not like he hasn't." She replied as she rolled her eyes at me.

"Melissa, we have already been through this. Leave me the fuck alone." He said coldly.

So this was who Silas what talking about. I'm curious to see what this is about.

"But babyyy....." she wined. "We were supposed to get married before one of your men got shot down at the alter when we were saying I do's."

"Melissa... he wasn't just one of my men. He was my brother." His voice became dark, warning her to not go on. "Plus, your father betrayed me so I technically don't need to be married to to since there was a breach of contract on your end."

"We are meant to be Lorenzo, one day you'll see that and you'll leave this sad excuse of a woman for me, so why can't you do that now." She said raising her voice and referring to me.

A sad excuse of a woman. Wtf?

"Melissa, I'm going to give you two choices, get the fuck out of my sight yourself or I will get someone to escort you out. You will not stand here and interrupt my dinner and bad mouth a woman that is so much better than you."

She seemed shocked at his words but then glared at me and said, "watch your back little girl."

And just like that, she walked out of the restaurant.

"She won't do anything to you, I promise." He reassured me.

"Okay..." I replied genuinely kind of scared. I don't know what kind of person she is not things that she could do.

"Are you okay?" He asked, trying to read my face.

I shrugged. I wasn't really sure if I was but what else could I do at the moment?

Published- 3/13/2022
Word count- 1154

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