19- Adeline Knight- "Did you finish?"

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Quick question: If I were to make another book but with a female dom and male sub, would you guys read it? Of course it would still have a plot but with A lot of smut for you thirsty whores 😏

I've wanted to write one for a while but didn't know if you all would actually want to read it.😕
Please comment your answer, I'd really appreciate it. ♥️
Anyways, back to the story.

I was able to get nothing done after Alexander left. The more I thought about what he said, the more my head started to hurt.

My mind fell back into the deep hole where I tried my hardest to get out of years ago. I went to years of therapy to get rid of those nightmares and now it's all coming back again.

I buried my face in the palms of my hands as tears started to, on its own, voluntarily stream down my face.

I sat at my desk sobbing and trying to figure out what I did wrong in my past life to deserve this.

I never wanted to know how my father died. But that was also because there was no lead and the police has closed the claim, making it impossible for anyone to dig anything out.

Now that Alexander was here, I could figure out what caused my father death. But now that the chance is in front of me, I don't even have to courage to take it.

How pathetic.

My phone suddenly rang and Lorenzo's contacts appeared on my screen.

I quickly wiped the tears off my face so that I could answer the phone.

"Hi, baby." I heard him say from the other side of the phone.

"Hi." I replied, choking on my tears.

"Is everything okay baby?" He asked, sounding concerned.

"Yes, everything's alright." I replied, sniffling.

"Would you like me to come pick you up now?" He asked, I could hear some shuffling and some keys.

"Yes, please." I said, smiling.

"Okay baby. I'll be there in 10."

"Okay. I love you." I said, fidgeting with the ends of my skirt. 

"I love you too, Mi amore." He replied, before ending the call.

I moved the files that I had looked through today to one side and saw something unfamiliar on my desk.

I picked up the car from my table and examined it.

Alexander Knox.
Leader of the Russian Mafia.

Russian Mafia? Is this a joke?

I slid the card in the pocket of my jacket and left my office.

I'll take a look at it when I'm home.

As I rode down in the elevator, all that I wanted tonight, was for Lorenzo to make me forget everything that has happened today.

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