24- Adeline Knight- Party?

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My new book is up! Go check it out!
It's called, "Mistress' Broken Submissive"

Femdom and a whole lotta smut!😏
Will be posted like this book, one chapter ever Wednesday and Sunday!
"Of course I'll be there!" Emery said excitedly over the FaceTime call. "Ahhhh! Does that  mean I get to meet the man that stole your attention away from me?" She said smirking.

(For those of you who don't remember Emery, she was mentioned at the end of chapter 12 and the beginning of 13. Emery is Adeline's best friend. Also a huge party chick and would do anything to get laid.)

"Yes, yes. You'll see him tonight. There'll be quite a few men there I bet. So dress nice, if you want." I said chuckling, making the bed slightly move as I was sitting up.

"Miss a chance to get laid? That's nothing like me. I'll make sure of it. I'll send you a picture of my outfit later, let me know if it's showing too much." She said laughing and gave me a wink. I heard some rummaging around, probably her digging to find the right set of lingerie for tonight.

"The men at the party might be a little...different than they ones you mess around with. Just a heads up." I said, knowing that if it's with Lorenzo, it's probably be a bunch of riggers and sadists.

"Well, good thing I'm feeling a little frisky." She said laughing. I rolled my eyes in return.

"Who's that?" I heard Lorenzo say. "I think it's time for you to get ready."

I looked up to see him leaning against the doorway, his expression was calm but I could sense the bit of lust that was sparking in his eyes.

"Okay, we'll I'm going to go. Don't want to keep the beast waiting too long. He'll get pissed and I don't need that right before we're going out." I said winking, knowing that he would take any chance to do multiple unholy things.

"Okay babe. I'll talk to you later. Have fun!" She said giggling, taking the hint, and then hanging up on me.

"I got you an outfit for tonight. Care to try it on and show me?" He said as the corner of his lip curls up into a smirk.

I took the bag from his hand and brushed my fingertips against his before actually taking to bag in my hand.

"Of course sir. Would you like to assist me as well?" I said winking at him as I walked into the bathroom.

"Don't try be a tease, you know I won't hesitate to show you how much of a tease I can be." He said lifting one of his arched eyebrows.

I shut the bathroom door and opened the bag to see the contents.

It was a translucent dress with a black silky cover up with a set of white lace lingerie with a garter belt and beautiful black heels.

(This is what the dress look like on it's okay without the coverup and garter belt)

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(This is what the dress look like on it's okay without the coverup and garter belt)

I wrapped myself in the cover up as best as I could and walked back out to the room.

"Did I say you could cover up?" He asked, well aware that he was the one who put the cover up in there anyway.

I rolled my eyes "Well then you shouldn't have put it in there in the first place." I said, walking past him, towards the door.

He yanked me by my waist against his back and wrapped his hands around my throat, pulling me close to him. "Drop that attitude little girl or else you will regret it. Am I understood?" He said darkly.

I gulped and nodded.

"I need words love." He said nibbling on my ear.

"Yes sir." I felt his lips move from my neck to my neck, sucking on my sweet spot making me let out an uncontrolled moan.

He took the chance and moved the hand that around me neck and stuck his thumb in my mouth. "Suck."

His other hand went from my waist to my throbbing heat. He moved the skimpy fabric of my underwear aside and I felt something cold circle around my clit and then slowly sliding up and down my lips teasingly.

"Your so wet and I've barely touched you. Your just my good little slut aren't you?" He said humming against my neck, each little vibration sent a chill down my spine.

Suddenly I felt the cold thing plunge into my hole and I yelped out of surprise but it was muffled by his large hand that was covering my mouth.

"Don't make me have to use this tonight, but if I have to, you know I will." He said turning me around and giving me a peck on the lips.

"Let's go, we wouldn't want to be late." He said taking me by my hand and lead me out of that house that I knew my way around.

I got into the car and buckled my seat belt as he started the car.

"Let your friend know that we'll be there in about 20 minutes." He said as we were on the road.

I nodded in reply, pulling out my phone to give Emery a call.

"K, see you soon." I said, then hanging up.

"You know what I've noticed?" I said.

"What?" He replied, still keeping his focus on the road.

"I've spent more days at your place than mine these past 2 weeks." I said, laughing.

"Now that wouldn't be too bad would it? What if you moved in with me?" He asked.

I was shocked.

"What?" I said, trying to clarify.

"Move in with me. That way I can keep you safe until I get rid of Ace." He said, glancing over at me to see my blank expression.

"You don't have to answer right away. Just think about it. I don't want you to get taken by him again." He said looking back to the road.

I stayed silent for the rest of the car ride there as I thought about his proposal. Do I want to move in with him? I think part of me does but the other part is telling me that I shouldn't.

I just met him not even a month ago.

We got to the parking lot of the place and he helped me out of the car like the gentleman that he was and I then saw Emery.

She was squealing as she came over to me, probably a little tipsy.

"Come on, let's go have some fun!" She said pulling me away from Lorenzo.

I looked over at him and he nodded. "Just be careful. Don't get too drunk. And don't try to do anything stupid." He warned, saying the last part a little lower than the rest, tapping something in his pocket, which I assume was the remote to the thing he placed inside of me.

I gave him a knowing smile and gave him a peck on my cheek, then letting Emery take me away to wherever she wanted to go.

This will be a long night, I could already tell. Alcohol would make it better but I really don't think that's a good idea, considering what Lorenzo said.
Published- 4/27/22
Word count- 1224

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