08- Adeline Knight- Jealousy 

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He came back a few moments later with a shirt and stood behind me helping me into it. I had nothing underneath, the shirt smelled like him and felt great against my bare skin.

"I'm sorry." I said quietly, my eyes starting to water again.

He wrapped his strong arms around me and hugged my from behind.

"Shh. You did amazing." he said trailing off placing small kisses on my neck making me feel better. "I would feel better if you would stay with me tonight but if you want to go home I will take you."

"I can stay. Thank you." I turned around a hugged him, lacing my fingers together around his back and pressing my head against his chest.

We stood there for a bit before he took my hand and led me back to the playroom.

Right next to the bathroom door there was a panel that he opened.

I watched him press a few buttons and the walls started to turn. The walls has slowly rotated and what used to be the wall of toys were now just normal wallpaper.

"I had this room personally customized so that it could double as a bedroom for when I needed to stay the night. Is it okay for us to say here or do you want to go somewhere else?"

"Here would be great." I walked to the bed and sat on the edge of it.

He walked towards me and knelt down next to me opening the drawer on the nightstand taking something out.

"Here, eat this. It'll make you feel a little bit better." He said handing me a bar of chocolate.

I took it from him and opened it snapping a piece off and popping it in my mouth.

He started walking towards the door and I felt my heart sink.

"Wait.... Don't leave..please." I said quietly, not sure if I should have asked him in the first place.

"I'll be right back love. I'm going to get something, make yourself comfortable."

He walked out the door and I got under the covers, wrapping the blanket around me feeling his absence.

He came back a few minutes later and placed a bottle of water on the nightstand next to me.

"Do you feel better?"

"A little."


I felt him get into the bed on the other side of me and then his arms wrapped around my waist pulling me closer to him.

"Can I ask you a question?" I had wanted to know this since I saw him at this club.

"Anything." He replied, his voice getting sleepy.

"What is your name?"


Lorenzo, such a beautiful name.

"Goodnight Lorenzo."

"Goodnight Babygirl."


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