04- Lorenzo Devlin- such a good girl

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After I heard the knock on the door she tensed up and tightened her grip on my knees. I gave her a few moments and then she relaxed.

"Come in." The door opened and Donavan walked in, taking a seat on the sofa in my office.


"That's all for today, you can schedule another meeting with me later on, I have some business to deal with at the moment." I said smirking and looking down at the woman between my legs.

"Okay, I'll have my secretary contact you when I get back. Have a good rest of your day Mr. Devlin."

"I'll make sure of it." I replied and then he swiftly got up and walked out the door.

I scooted my chair away from the desk and I heard her whimper lightly, like she was too scared to make a sound. The bold and dare I say dominant person that faced me before was no more, instead, I faced a beautiful sub cautiously waiting for my next command.

"You can come out now." I said as I stood up making my way to the couch that Donavan sat on a few moments ago.

She got out from under the desk and followed me, staying on all fours and crawling. Seems like she had some training and knows she's in trouble.

She kneeled in front of me when I sat down.

God she is so beautiful with her legs pressed tightly together and clenching them every so often when the vibrator turned on.

"Do you know what you did wrong?" I questioned.

"Yes sir." She said trying to keep the need out of her voice but failed desperately.

I smirked, then stood to my feet and walked to my bookshelf, pressing a well hidden button on the side and the bookshelf shifted, revealing a small selection of my favorites.

I grabbed a few things that included a rope and a blindfold.

When I turned around she had not moved from her position with her eyes still looking at the ground.

Such a good little girl, my good little girl.

I made my way to her, "stand up" I said, and without any hesitation she stood up.

"Look at me babygirl."

She looked at me with pleading eyes. "Pl-please s-sir, take it out, I-i can't take it anymore."

I smirked as her legs tightened once more. I moved my hands to her soaking heat. I used two fingers and removed the device, relieving her from the slight torture I was causing.

"Th-Thank you sir." She said in between semi- uneven breaths.

"We're not done just yet are we love? You were a good girl and good girls get rewards."

She blushed— that blush could make me do so many things willingly, I shook it off, this is all about her. 

I walked behind her, placing my hands on either side of the mini dress she was wearing and lifted it up to undress her only after she has moved her arms up to her ears, giving consent.

After discarding the dress to the side, I fastened the blindfold on her with a small bow in the back. Then I picked her up and set her on the table, her legs dangling off the edge as her hands fiddled with the ends of her dress.

Carefully I took the rope and fastened it to her wrists and onto a hook I had placed in the ceiling.

I bet you can guess the reason that it was specifically placed there for.

After I had made sure that the ropes were secure, I positioned myself between her legs.

The way she had spread her legs for me had already made my erection extremely visible with my pants on but I ignored it, I could just get off later in the shower, all I wanted now was for her to feel all the things that I do for her.

I leaned in closer to her and stared to nibble at her ear. "You make me feel so many different things baby girl"

"I want to make  you cum over and over again until you can't. Wouldn't you love that?" I whispered tauntingly.

She made a sound of agreement. "Yes—fuck— please s-sir, I need to feel you inside me."

She didn't need to say more. I trailed my finger from her neck down her chest and to her opening, sliding my hand against her pussy and barely grazing her clit, her hips buckling in reply.

"What's your safe word baby." I said, reminding her that it's there if she needed it.

"I-ice cream, sir." She stuttered.

Without another word, I pushed two fingers roughly into her and she cried out, throwing her head back while her eyes rolled back.

When I pulled them out I made sure to curl it just enough so that it hit her g-spot again.

I used my other hand and played with her clit, knowing that the blindfold magnified everything. I continued, my fingers sliding in and out of her over and over again until I knew that she was at her high.

"M-may I p-please cum sir?" She said between moans.

"Cum for me my love." I said, pumping my fingers into her one last time before she exploded onto my fingers.

I pulled them out and quickly swept down and attached my lips to her clit, sucking hard making sure to taste every single last drop of her.

"Fuck— baby you taste so fucking good." I said, burying my face between her thighs.

After the fourth orgasm I could tell she was exhausted. I untied her from the ceiling and freed her wrists, her body automatically collapsing onto my chest.

I quickly undid her blindfold with a simply pull of the ends and carried her bridal style into the bathroom connected to my office, which was there just in case I needed to stay the night with work.

She moved her arms around my neck and I could swear someone from a mile away could hear how loud my heart was beating.

She felt natural in my arms, like this is where she belonged.

I sat her down on the toilet as I filled up the tub with warm water, when it filled up I threw in a bath bomb and placed her delicate body into the water knowing that it would take one hell of a problem for me to let her go.


Plz comment and let me know how I'm doing, this is my first time writing anything close to this so suggestions will be very much appreciated. ☺️

Published- 2/16/2022
Word count- 1118

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