22- Adeline Knight- Why am I here?

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I woke up some time later and the air around me felt unusual. It was cold, wet, and dark, making me shiver.

A breeze came by and blew some of my hair into my face. I moved my hands to brush the hair out of the way but found that it was bound to something that I couldn't tell.

I was sitting in a chair and I tried to get up but couldn't.

At that moment I remember what had happened. Everything came flashing back at me all at once that I didn't even know what to think.

I heard shallow footsteps that were slowly getting louder. I panicked and just pretended to still be unconscious.

The door creaked as it opened and I heard a familiar voice. I couldn't exactly place it but I knew that I've heard it before.

I didn't dare to open my eyes to know what was going to happen next.

The room got a little less dark as of what I could tell from my eyes being closed but other than that, I was oblivious.

"Motherfucker" I heard a man say. It was quiet, almost a whisper.

I sucked in a breath but simultaneously I felt a stream of cold liquid being poured on top of my head, making me choke on the water, letting them know that I was conscious now.

I didn't dare to lift my head to look at who was in front of me for the fright of what would happen.

"You ungrateful bitch of a daughter." The man said through gritted teeth. "I thought your father taught you better." He gripped my chin and forced me to look up at him.

Ace. The Fucking bastard.

"My father didn't teach me shit." I scoffed, trying to act confident but I was terrified inside.

I felt a cold blade graze my chin lightly and I cringed at the slight chuckle he let out.

My hands were still bound behind the chair but I could feel that I could probably slip out of it after I work on it a little bit.

"Your with them aren't you?" He sneered. "Your the one who made them aware of us after we have been hiding for years."

I stayed silent because I really didn't know if I did.

I mean technically I didn't give Lorenzo the card but I was the one who accidentally dropped it in his car.

"Your not even trying to deny it." He said scoffing.

"Just you wait. Lorenzo will come and kill you once he finds out what your doing to me!" I said, narrowing my eyes out at him.

"I think your reading too many fairy tales little girl." He chuckled.

Maybe I am. So what.

Another person came into the room and whispered something in Mr. doesn't deserve a life's ear and he looked frustrated and stormed out of the room.

"Look at what we have here." The new person tutted. Walking around me and studying the pathetic position that I was in.

"It wouldn't hurt to have a little fun now will it?" He said tracing his hand from my back to the front of my shirt, right about the little cleavage that was showing.

"Why you little..." I started but he cut me off by sticking two of his nasty finger in my mouth.

"Suck" he demanded. Disgusting pigs.

I took the chance to bite down on his fingers and he yelped, pulling his fingers from my mouth.

I tasted the blood from the tip of my tongue and spit it out on the ground.

"Fucking bitch." He spat pulling a gun from his pocket. Cocking it back and aiming it at my head.

"Say night night." He said creepily as I squeezed my eyes shut ready for what was going to happen next.

I heard a gunshot go off and a few seconds later I opened one of my eyes.

I guess being shot isn't bad. But when I opened my eyes I saw a Lorenzo drenched in blood, on top of the man who tried to take my life.

"No!" I screamed when the guy fought his way on top of Lorenzo.

There was so much blood everywhere that I didn't even know who's was who's.

As I watched the two fight, I tried to pull and work my way around ropes holding me back.

Within a few minutes I was able to completely slip out of the ropes. I moved my wrist to undo the ropes that were tied around my ankles as well and ran to stop the two.

Before I could reach them I heard another gunshot go off and I squeezed my eyes shut.

"Let's go!" I heard Lorenzo scream.

I felt his hands pull my arm and he led me through all the twists and turns it this insane place. Tugging me behind him as he looked over to make sure the coast was clear.

I started to lag behind and Lorenzo came and scooped me up in his arms, cradling me and carrying me the rest of the way out.

Everything turned into a blur and I woke up the next morning with a massive headache.

I groaned as I felt queasy rubbing my eyes to adjust to the brightness of the room.

"Are you finally awake?" I heard Lorenzo say.

I pushed myself up against the headboard and tried to lean against it.

Lorenzo set down what he was holding on the nightstand and helped me sit up. I felt lightheaded as all my memory was playing through my head.

"Here, drink this. You'll feel better." I wasn't hungry but I took it anyway.

He got in the bed with me and watched as I drank the soup.

I drank a spoonful of the chicken noodle soup, and I instantly became hungry.

Is that normal? Meh.

I finished the soup quickly and he took it from me placing the bowl back on the nightstand.

"Thank you." I said, then moving closer to him as he wrapped his arm around me.

This is nice. I missed cuddling with him. Soon after I fell asleep in his comfortable arms.

Published- 4/20/22
Word count- 1038

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