34- Adeline Knight- Mile high club

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"Hold on angel." He said.

He didn't make me wait long before he gripped my waist tightly as I closed my eyes to ready myself since I knew that he wouldn't be going easy on me.

•• we continue....

Thanks to my already drenched core, I didn't take much for him to just slide into me. His tip automatically hitting a certain spot, making me moan out.

"Look at how well you're taking me in baby, fuck— did I find your sweet spot already?" He grunted, forcing my face up to look at myself in the mirror as he repeatedly thrusts into me.

It didn't take long for him to make me reach the edge as his hand came down onto my ass. "Don't you dare cum without my permission." He warned, sending shivers down my spine.

"Fuck— baby. I'm so close." He said, his voice becoming rough as his breathing became louder.

"Please sir. I'm so close. Can I please cum?" I begged, squeezing my core together so that I could hold it a little longer gripping the edge of the sink for support.

This felt so wrong. So dirty.

"No. Hold it." He said, his bottom lips securely tucked between his teeth as he slammed into me harder and harder.

"Please sir! I can't hold it anymore!" I cried, his hand coming to cover my mouth soon after.

"Shh. You wouldn't want everyone on the plane to hear me fuck your would you?" He whispered into my ear, his hot breath tickling my skin.

"Fuck— You feel so good baby. I'm so close, just a little longer."

I held it in as much as I could, feeling myself about to let go. I would have to deal with the consequences later but that didn't really matter at the moment.

I let myself go when I felt that I couldn't take it anymore, feeling him release right after me. He rode it out a little longer then pulled out of me.

He spun me around quickly, his hand wrapping around my neck, placing enough pressure on all the right spots, making me moan.

"What the fuck did I say?" He grunted between gritted teeth.

"T-to not cum." I stuttered, realizing that I underestimated his reaction.

"You've been a bad girl Adeline." He said, feeling uncomfortable that he called me by my name.

"I- I'm sorry sir. I couldn't hold it anymore. It felt so good that I- I had to cum." I said, hoping that he would go easy on me.

"Your lucky that I'm tired right now. I'll deal with you later. You are not off the hook for that. Go back to your seat." He said, landing a harsh hand on my ass when I opened the door to sit down.

I was glad that our seat was the very last one, closest to the bathroom. I would be way too embarrassed after what I had just done.

When we were both seated down comfortably in our seats, he moved his hand under the blanket the placed his hand gently on my thigh, caressing it softly as he fell asleep, making butterflies erupt in my stomach.

"Be good and I might be a little more lenient." He said, as he saw that I was restless in my seat.

I huffed and looked out the window, hoping to get a bigger reaction out of him, maybe telling me a hint of what he was going to to to me?

Instead of doing what I wanted, he gripped my thigh tightly, making me tap his hand when it started to be too much, only then did he loosen his grip.

Staying silent the rest of the ride, I was already super horny again when we exited the plane, as well as hoping that he'd do what he promised as soon as we get to the hotel.

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