03- Adeline Knight- Yes- what?

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⚠️ warning ⚠️ This chapter contains smut. You have been warned ;)


As soon as I saw him move I placed a quick peck on the random dude's cheek, saying a quick goodbye and soon after making a beeline for the restrooms.

The man in the black suit looked like he was ready to kill, before I was able to push the bathroom door open someone grabbed me wrist.

Holy mother of god.

He looked even more handsome in person and up close than far away. His features were sharp and he looked well put together.

Haha... just what I need, one of us needs to have our shit together, I've got a running business but its been going in every direction other than up lately when I started the cooperation with another company.

Before I could finally take in what was happening, he had pinned me against the wall, both wrists held in one of his hands above my head, the other laying gently on my waist as it carefully to not cross any boundaries but his presence in general stated the exact opposite.

"Why are you running darling? Isn't this what you wanted?" He smirked. I felt a pool starting to form in my panties.

"No." I said wanting him to be more rough. I couldn't let him know that though. Provoking doms are quite the pastime if you ask me.

"No? That's not the message I got when you were looking at me while dancing with another man." He said sternly.

"What I do with other men is none of your concern." I said, wanting to know where his limits were so I said the unexpected, "I don't want you looking at me unless you want you be on your knees begging." I smirked, as the dominant side came out of me and I slapped him across the face.

When I finally looked back into him eyes, they were pitch black and then he spoke, sending chills down my spine—

"I want you to be in that bathroom on your knees when I get back. Did I make myself clear?" I nodded and looked him dead in the eye, not a single ounce of fear in my stare.

I pushed the door into the bathroom and leaned against the far wall waiting in anticipation for what was going to happen to me.

A few minutes later he came back and in his hands, from what I could see was a few toys.

"I see you have chosen not to obey." He said darkly.

I couldn't tell if that was good or bad because he has completely stopped showing me any kind of emotion I could read after I slapped him across the face.

I probably deserve what he was going to do me, I was practically asking for it anyway.

"Grab the sides of the counter and stick your ass out." He said, his eyes burning through my skin as he spoke.

I didn't fight back this time, I walked over to the sink and did as I was told and looked down in shame. My face was flustered and I could feel it expanding down my neck and to the tips of my ears.

"Look up, I want you to see how you try to hold in your moans and gasps when I punish that sweet little pussy of yours."

I did as he said, It's not that I don't know how to be a proper sub, I just didn't feel like it.

He placed himself behind me and leaned over, holding eye contact with me through the mirror and whisper into my ear. "Do you want this? If so then you will address me as sir."

"Yes sir." I moaned out, seconds later, his hand came down and slapped my ass.

"Do you have a safe word?" He asked.

"Yes, Ice-Cream." I said, not hesitating nor missing a beat.

"Not a sound, or you'll regret it, yea?"

"Yes sir"

"Good girl"

He lifted my dress over my hip and exposed my drenched cunt. I shuddered as the cool air hit the warmth between my legs, the thong doing nothing to keep anything covered.

He turned on the vibrator he brought and placed it directly on my clit and my eyes rolled back, feeling the sensation build up at a fast pace and just when I was at my high did he take it off making whimper in reply.

"No no.." he tutted. Only good girls get to cum.

He kept on doing this, one after another, stealing a beautiful release away from me each time and only after the fourth time did he stopped. 

He then grabbed a small pink vibrator and pushed it in my soaking pussy and then stepped away, motioning for me to kneel in front of him.

I did without hesitation.

He looked at his wristwatch, "Earlier I got notified of a meeting I have to attend concerning this club since it just opened." He said, a hint of mischief lingering in his words, so playful yet dominant.

There's something else that he's planning.

"Your going to sit under my desk and your not going make a sound until I'm done, and if your a good girl I'll let you cum."

There it is.

This is turning me on more than I could imagine, the excitement clearly showing itself between my legs.

"Yes—," The vibrator then turned on and I moaned, a smirk lighting upon his face. "Yes sir." Pleasing him was currently the only thing on my mind.

"That's going to turn on every other minute, you better not make a sound during my meeting or you ass is going to pay for it." He warned.

I whimpered. Then he helped me up to fix my dress and led me upstairs to his office. He sat in his chair and I obediently got under the desk placing both my hands on his knees.

A few moments later, there was a knock on the door.

"Come in." He said, playing back a dark smile that I could hear in his voice.

They discussed business and I have attended many meetings myself when I first started to really care what this is about, soon getting lost in my own thoughts, the vibrator bringing me back to reality every so often.

Never in a million years would I —a well known female entrepreneur— have thought that I would be underneath a desk of a man that I didn't even know the name of, not to mention submitting to him at this level though we just met.

Not many can tame me. Or maybe I just haven't met many in my experience. Either one.

I don't know what he is doing but simply being in his presence makes me feel safe enough to let go of everything and hand him the control.

In my past relationship with doms they were never able to make me submit like this. They weren't strong enough I guess.

And here I am underneath a man's table keeping my moans in so that I could please him, I could have just got off myself but I've found myself to crave his touch and praise, it's slowly suffocating me.

But somehow I wouldn't want it any other way.

Published- 2/13/2022
Word count- 1223

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