38- Lorenzo Devlin- Lock it up

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Taking a seat back on the couch, I pulled my phone out of my pocket and dialed a number, hearing a click after a few rings.

"Hello, this is The Austin Benedict law firm how may I assist you today?" A woman answered.

"Yes, hello. I am Lorenzo Devlin and I would like to be redirected to contact Mr. Benedict." I answered.

"I'm sorry sir, do you have an appointment with him at this hour?" She answered.

"I'm afraid I don't but I'm sure he wouldn't mind, would you let him know that Devlin is trying to speak with him?"

"Of course. Hold on one moment." She said, some music turning on soon after as I was put on hold.

After hearing another click on the other side of the phone, the same lady spoke. "You'll be redirected to him, is that all you needed?"

"Yes, thank you."

Benedict picked up shortly after and I sent him the tape recordings from the bar after catching up a bit.

"I assure you that this case will be resolved soon, just leave it to me." He said.

"Naturally." I replied.
The next day~

"Where are you taking me?" She asked, smiling from ear to ear.

"Just wait a few more minutes, we're almost there." I replied, glancing over at her, blindfolded in the passenger seat next to me as I drove.

"It feels like I've waited a whole century." She said jokingly.

I could practically feel the eye roll from her voice.

"Patience, darling." I simply said.

"Are we there yet?"

"You sounds like a child on a road trip." I laughed. "Yes, were here. Hold on, don't move."

I got out of the car and walked around the front of it to open her door.

"Give me your hand." I said, leading her out of the car. "Stay right here."

I left her leaning against the car as I went back to the passenger seat and dug out the lock that I hid in the glove department in front of the seat.

I closed the door and stood in front of her, my heart beating a lot faster as I felt myself grow nervous. "Hold out your hand." I said.

"Is this a trap?" She laughed, holding her palms out towards me.

I placed the lock and keys in her hands and then reached my hand to untie the blindfold. "Ready?" I asked.

"Mhm." She replied smiling.

I pulled the blindfold off in one easy pull and she immediately looked down to see what I had placed in her hands.

The lock with our names engraved in gold shined beautiful with the sunset in contrast of the actual lock itself.

She grinned beautifully, planting a soft kiss on the corner of my mouth before taking my hand and dragging me in the direction of the bridge.

As she locked the lock with a soft click, she threw the key as far as she could into the water below us.

"Come on, I've got more planned and I'm sure you'll love it." I said.

She looked at me with a sarcastically "Really? How are you so sure about that, Mr. Devlin." She said, emphasizing my name.

I smirked back at her, "I can change the plans as easily as I can have you wrapped around my finger darling. You wanna test me?"

"Oooo. I'm sooooo scared." She replied.

"Okay." I said plainly. "Get your smart ass into the car before I'm able to count to ten or else." I said innocently.

"Oh fuck off, or else what? Your gonna punish me? I'd like you see you try." She said, crossing her arms across her chest and raising an eyebrow at me.

"Oh now you've earned it." I said darkly, loving every second of our crazy banter as she smirked at my words.

"oH NoW yOu'Ve Ea—" she started to mock but I cut her off.


"Hey! That's not fa—"


Now it was my turn to smirk as I saw her hurriedly run to the car.

I made a mental count as I followed behind her. She had only made it halfway to the car when I reached zero as I had expected.

I got into the driver's seat after she had and her arms were crossed again as she looked out her window.

"Seven seconds." I stated, putting the car in reverse.

"Hmph." She scoffed.

"Keep that up." I challenged. She shut up real quick.

When we reached back to our suite she paid her price as her night filled with many words like, "I'm sorry!" And "please!" But on the contrary, a face of amusement stayed on my face as I watched her squirm and struggle under different things I brought fourth to her, only falling asleep together after the sun started to shine through our windows.

Hey guys!!!
I know I haven't posted in a while and I'm so sorry😣  this book is coming to an end and I will be posting the epilogue soon!
Also I will be starting back on my other book, "My broken Submissive" as soon as I finish this book so please go check it out!
I know today isn't my regular posting day but I feel bad for keeping it from you guy for so long so here it is 😃

Published- 8/15/22
Word count- 895

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