33- Adeline Knight- uh- oh

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"Fucking hell."

"I love it when you look like this for me. You like being my little slut don't you?" He said, landing his hand on my ass harshly.

"Yes sir." I replied with a moan, sticking my ass out for more as he stood behind me in the small bathroom.

"Your such a fucking tease, you know that?" He growled into my ear as he yanked my hair back, making my back hit his front.

"I don't know what your talking about sir." I replied, concealing a smile behind my voice.

"Really." He said, not particularly a question but instead a statement. A statement that I knew all too well. A statement that told me that I was going to regret this.

He moved his hand into my skirt, sliding his finger up and down my slit, his finger immediately covered with my juices.

He scoffed then placed his fingers in his mouth, tasting every little bit of me that was left, humming as he pulled his fingers out of his mouth.

He moved his fingers over my slit again, this time, moving it in front of my lips. "Open." He said.

I obediently did and he put his fingers in my mouth, making me taste myself on his fingers.

"It seems as if you know exactly what I'm taking about. And your enjoying every last bit of it too. Aren't you? you little brat." He said, kissing my neck as he brought his fingers down to my slit for the third time, teasing it as he hit the sensitive part on my neck, making my back arch against him.

"Such a naughty little girl, hm?" He said roughly as he pushed my front back down so that I was leaning over the sink again.

"I think you need to be taught a lesson." He whispered into my ear, landing his hand down onto my ass, making a soft groan escape my lips.

He lifted my skirt up and laid it bunched up on my back. I felt something cold being pressed up against my dripping core.

He pushed it slightly and it easily slid inside of me. He turned me around and kissed me aggressively, our tongues fighting for dominance, his winning in the end as I fully submitted myself.

He pulled away and I looked into his eyes. They were filled with lust, making me even more scared of what was to come.

Probably not me.

"On your knees. I want to feel myself in the back of your throat over and over again."

I fell to my knees and efficiently undid his pants, releasing a lot of the tension that was created by his hard on being pressed against his pants.

With his pants now hanging low on his waist, I pulled the front of his boxers down and started stroking him as I saw him taking something out of his pocket.

I looked up at him and he nodded, only then did I take the tip into my mouth, slightly teasing it with my tongue.

He put his foot between my thighs, kicking it as far apart as he could. A few moments later, I felt a faint buzz inside of me. I pulled away and looked up as him to see a smirk on his face.

"If you want to play this game, I'll happily comply. You can tease me and I'll tease you." He said, clicking something. The faint buzz becoming not so faint anymore. "Let's see who breaks first." He said, arching one of his perfect eyebrows at me in question.

I looked at him with narrowing eyes in anger and whimpered when he turned it up even more and tucking my bottom lip between my teeth, trying to contain my moans as he turned it up higher and higher.

"Is this not what you wanted angel?" He said, taking his cock in his own hands, stroking it steadily as he smirked down at the image of me trying to contain myself.

I shook my head and looked at him with pleading eyes. "Please... I'm so close." I begged as I closed my thighs a tiny bit, feeling myself about to reach the edge.

"What was that?" He asked, practically making a mockery out of me.

"Please sir. I need it so bad. Let me please you sir." I said, closing my legs together and balling my hands in to fists, clenching it tightly, making the feeling between my legs a little more bearable.

"Look at my little slut. Such a mess for me." He taunted, putting his foot between my thighs, forcing them to part again.

"Are you going to be good now?" He asked, the feeing between my legs unbearable, making my legs start to shake.

"Yes Sir. Please." I begged again, this time the buzzing started to fade.

"Thank you sir." I said, looking at him, happy that he had mercy on me. God knows that I wouldn't have been able to contain myself any longer. "Don't thank me just yet kitten. Your job is still incomplete." He said, the tone in his voice darkening.

I nodded, knowing what he meant. Taking his dick in my hand, I gave it a few strokes and then licked along whole length, from the base to the tip, then taking the tip in my mouth and swirling my tongue around it.

"Adeline." He warned.

Taking that as a sign to move on, I put him in my mouth, taking him as far as I could and used my hand for what was left, which ended up to be about a fist away from his base.

I bobbed my head around him as I felt the vibrations between my legs start again, making my moan against his dick, earning an unexpected moan that slipped out of his mouth.

"Fuck baby. You feel so good, taking my dick like a good girl." He praised, letting out breathy moans, his voice becoming raspy.

When I felt ready, I prepared myself and took him in fully, my lips hitting his base as I gripped onto his thighs for support.

He moaned but then quickly stopped it by pressing his lips together, sealing his noises away completely.

I felt him in the back of my throat, his dick twitching when I shook my head slightly.

"Okay. That's enough." He growled, pulling me up to my feet then pushing my front up against the wall.

He lifted my skirt back up onto my hips pulled my hips out towards him. "Keep it here." He demanded.

I moaned in reply as I prepared myself for what was about to happen.

I've never had sex on an airplane before.

He pushed his fingers back into my and pulled out the vibrator and threw it to the side as I whimpered in complaint at the sudden feeling of emptiness.

"Hold on angel." He said.

He didn't make me wait long before he gripped my waist tightly as I closed my eyes to ready myself since I knew that he wouldn't be going easy on me.
Y'all this chapter was shorter than I wanted it to be but if I kept going it would be too long🥲

Your welcome guys, I blessed you all with another chapter of just complete smut😩

Buckle up. You wouldn't want to miss this plane ride. Get it?

Sorry. ANYWAYS.....

I feel horrible about this climatic cliffhanger. Not really.


Dying and punching the air cause y'all have to wait.

^ those of y'all who are reading as this book is updating.

The people who are reading this as a complete story is real happy. Your very welcome.

Published- 5/29/2022
Word count- 1286

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