06- Adeline Knight- who do you belong to?

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That evening after work, I made my way into my bath and thought about how the fuck I was going to explain to him that Mr. Francisco was just a business partner and not my dominant nor lover.

The memory of him speeding out of the parking lot burning in my brain was not helping the situation at all.

I decided on wearing a burgundy lingerie set with a satin dress of the same color.

I wanted to look more confident than I actually was. Well to be completely honest I wanted him to rip it off of me even more—, stop, not going there right now.

I racked up all the courage I had left, grabbed my keys, and drove to the club.


As soon as I walked in the club I made my way confidentially to the office upstairs where I had been not long ago.

"Can I help you?" A man with a large frame said, not moving from his spot in front of his office.

"Yes I would like to see the boss." Come the think of it, I still don't know his name.

"Do you have an appointment with Mr. Devlin?" Shit.

"Could you just let him know of my presence? I'm sure he'll let me in."


".... Um..... Addy." I replied.

He opened the door and went in. "There's a person outside with dark brown hair named Addy. Would you like me to bring her in sir?" I heard him say, since he left the door ajar.

"Yes, bring her in, you can go home for the night as well, I can handle it from here."

"Yes, sir."

He came back and led me into the room, nodded, then left closing the door on his way out.

I hadn't dared to look at him, too scared of what he would say.

"Why?" He sounded hurt and it made my heart sink to my stomach.

"It's not what it looked like, I swear." I said finally looking up at him. His head was buried in his hands.

"Then what was it? You were kneeling on my floor, under my desk, begging me to please you just yesterday, and today I find you out laughing with another man over a fancy meal?" He asked making me feel small under his intense stare.

Even so, I had to stand my ground. I wouldn't let him keep belittling me.

"What the hell?! Even if you were my dominant, you can't control what I do with my life outside of the playroom." I lost it, I came in here to have a civilized conversation but that plan left as soon as he started talking about my personal life.

"Who that hell is he to you then?! Why did you let me touch you? Why didn't you go tell that man to instead?" He asked, looking me dead in the eye.

"Can't you just listen to me? Let me explain?..." I wasn't going to tell him who I was, but I couldn't think of any other way to explain.

"I am the, Adeline Knight. I have a business to run. I will have business meetings, even if I ever become your sub." I explained, getting more and more frustrated by the second.

I turned to leave before I did something I would regret, but to be honest, I still wanted him.

"Adeline... Knight? Wait, fuck, I'm sorry, I didn't know that he was just a business partner." He said standing up behind his desk.

He sounded genuine and I would've hated myself if I just left him standing there.

"I thought that last night was going to be a one time thing, but seeing you with another man—fuck— it makes my blood boil." He closed his eyes and clenched his fists as he spoke.

I don't know what came over me but I walked over to him and gave him a quick peck on the lips to calm him down, he seemed like he would benefit from it.

Before I could leave, he grabbed my waist and pulled me to him again.

"Don't do that, I'll get the wrong idea." Our faces only inches apart, his eyes flickering to my lips every so often.

I could feel my panties getting wet already. "What idea?" I tempted.

"Would you like to find out?" He whispered into ear.

"Yes, sir." I felt his muscle tense around my waist.

"Get down, I want to feel your beautiful lips around my cock." He groaned pushing my hips down.

I stayed put. "You don't own me" I sneered jokingly.

"Your body says otherwise baby." He smirked.

The warm sensation between my legs became unbearable and I squeezed my thighs together.

"See? She's begging to be touched, and if your a good girl, I'll see to it." I didn't need to be told twice. I lowered myself to my knees and started to undo his belt without another word.

As soon as his dress pants hit the ground I licked his length through his boxers, he groaned in reply.

I tugged at the hem of his boxers after a bit and pulled him out.

My eyes widened at how big it was. "See something you like?" He said smirking.

I grabbed his length and pumped at it slowly, then taking him in my mouth.

He grabbed the edge of the desk behind him and tightened his grip the faster I went, his knuckles slowly turning white.

He laced his other hand through my hair and grabbed hold of a good section of it, making me move the pace he desired.

"Fuck baby, I'm so close..." he cursed under his breath.

I sucked harder until I felt something warm trickle down my throat.

He helped me up to my feet and smashed his lips against mine roughly, trailing down my neck after a few moments. I moved my head so that he had easier access.

"Who do you belong to?" He said into my neck.

"Y-you, sir." I moaned as he left heated kisses on my neck.

"I'm going to take you to my playroom and I want to see how you submit. K?"

I nodded.


Woah😳 it's the first time I've wrote something like this lol.
Is it getting hot in here or is it just me? 🥵

Published- 2/23/2022
Word count- 1060

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