15- Adeline Knight- Pure Bliss

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He grabbed a few things from off the wall and set them on the bed behind me.

I was still tied up to the ceiling so I couldn't see what he was preparing for me. His walking was light and I didn't even notice him coming behind me until his hands were exploring my naked body.

"Your so fucking beautiful love." He said between planting kisses on my neck.

A light moan escaped my lips as he started playing with my breasts. I felt him smirk against my skin.

I hummed in reply, leaning into his touch.

He used his other hand and worked his way down my waist to my clit, sliding his fingers back and forth.

"Im going to show you what you get for touching another guy without my consent." He said removing his hands from me, making me feel cold without his touch.

Without his consent... so what would happen with his consent? God...thinking about it made me shiver visibly.

I heard him chuckle behind me. "Wouldn't you like that you slut? Would you like me and someone else touch you and make you feel good all at once?"

That turned me on more than I could imagine... Is there something wrong with me? I couldn't care less.

Suddenly, I felt something making contact with my back, it was painful but also pleasurable.

A moan escaped my lips as another hit my back and this time, I felt each individual straps hitting my back this time so I figured it was a whip.

"You like that don't you A'more." I could hear the smirk in his voice.

A'more, I like that.

I nodded, preparing myself for another as it was getting a little more painful each time.

"Use your words love." I felt another lash on my ass.

"Yes!"I cried out, as he put more force in it that time, making me even more wet than I was before.

I saw him walking around me from the corner of my eye and there was a firm smirk planted on his face like I had imagined.

Fucking Sadist.

"Why do you deserve to be punished?" He asked, his eyes roaming my body.

"I've been a bad girl!" I cried out as he used the whip right under my breast.

"How so?"

One of his eyebrows arched up as he crossed his arms and created eye contact, as he waited for me to answer.

"I messed around with another dude." I said breaking the eye contact so that I didn't have to see his reaction again.

I felt another one directly on my breast this time. "Look at me, mi amore."

I slowly lifted up my face so that I was making eye contact with him.

"Why?" He asked, the expression on his face, I couldn't tell.

"I don't know." I said quietly, I knew exactly why but I wasn't ready to open up about that just yet, especially since it's something that I've kept inside for so long.

His face saddened and it broke my heart to know that I was the reason behind it.

"I'll always be here if you need to talk." He reassured me and then walked behind me towards the bed.

I heard him drop the whip somewhere on the ground and then I felt his presence behind me.

"W- what are you going to do to me?" I stuttered impatiently.

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