31- Lorenzo Devlin- Back to normal

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"Hello?" I answered. I was on the bed waiting for Adeline to get out of the shower to go to sleep.

"It has been cleared boss. They won't be a problem anymore." Diem said. (Diem is my most trusted man if you don't remember)

"Is that all?" I asked.

"Yes." He answered.

"Organize a party for next Saturday at the warehouse. Invite all of our men. All drinks and expenses on my card. I'll take care of it."

"Of course." He said. "Would you like to invite anyone else other than the people who you've stated?"

"I'm personally invite them myself." I answered, knowing only one person that I wanted to take.

"Ok. Is that all sir?" He asked.

"Yes." I answered. "I've got to go. I'll tell you more details tomorrow." I said, then hanging up.

A few moments later, Adeline came out of the bathroom, her hair in a messy bun on the top of her head while she was pulling down one of my oversized shirt over her head.

She walked towards the bed and pulled the elastic out of her hair, letting her hair fall down, framing her face. Her beautiful hair cascading down her back, smiling at me, a slight blush on her face as she got in bed.

"Goodnight love." I said, giving her a light kiss on her forehead before we went to sleep.

The next morning, I crept my way out of bed a little earlier than usual to make some breakfast. I made sure not to make too much noise as to not wake her from her sleep.

When I was almost done, I heard her come down the stairs. Her hair tussled and frizzy from sleep but still manages to pull it off and make it look amazing.

"Whatcha makin?" She asked curiously as she walked towards me.

"Just some breakfast foods." I answered, plating the food as she stretched.

She brought her arms above her head and stretched her body by moving her hips side to side, the oversized shirt she had on lifting above her hips as she did so, showing her in just her underwear.

I sucked in a quick breath and then looked away so that she didn't think anything of it.

"I thought you had shorts on?" I asked, keeping my eyes forward, bringing the food to the table as she followed.

"I did, but I took it off during the night. It felt uncomfortable that's all." She replied innocently, while taking a seat at the table.

"Mhm..." I answered, knowing that she did it only to tease me. If only she knew that I wanted to rip the shirt off of her and take her right here right now in this room.

I don't want to make her uncomfortable since she just got here so I took a seat and changed the subject and then remembering that I needed to ask her to the party this Saturday.

We've only know each other for a little over 2 months but I knew that she was who I will ever want.

"Would you like to attend a party with me this Saturday?" I asked, taking a bite of food.

She gave me a worried glance, not replying right away but speaking up soon after. "Another one...?" She asked, a little bit of worry in her voice. "The last one didn't end well and we just talked it out and..." she started.

Right.... how inconsiderate of me. I don't want to put her in a situation where she doesn't feel comfortable and I have a feeling that a party surrounded by my men probably isn't that brightest idea.

"We don't have to if you don't want to. We can do what you want. What do you want to do? Like somewhere you've always wanted to go?" I asked, knowing that this would probably make her feel the best.

"I've always wanted to go to Paris, France when I was little. It's where my mother met my father. She was a workaholic and met him there on a business trip." She said laughing.

We ate the rest of breakfast while talking about the simple things, laughing here and there between bites of food.

After we had finished our food, I sent her to work and came back home immediately and called Diem.

"Hello?" I heard him answer.

"How are the preparations going?" I asked, wanting to know how far we've gotten.

"I've gotten the big things done. I just need to know what kind of food, drinks, decorations, so forth." He answered.

"Do what you see fit. I will not be attending this Saturday. Just see it as a celebration for taking down our rival." I said, opening up my computer.

"I thought that's what this was?" He said, a puzzled expression was heard in his voice.

"It's doesn't matter then. Go on with what your doing." I said, not needing him to pry me for information.

"Sure thing boss." He answered, then hanging up shortly after.

I found some tickets fairly quickly for tomorrow at noon and booked them, knowing that the time difference would let us arrive at around 7 to 7:30. That would give us some time to get to the hotel to shower and rest for the night.

I found of if the better hotel after and book for a private suite that overlooks the place with an amazing view.

Getting the rest of the orders and tickets organized took longer than I expected and before so knew it, it was an hour till Adeline got off work.

I drove to the nearby mall and picked out a lock that I knew she would like and got out names engraved in gold on the front of it.

I paid for the lock with a happy bit also calm expression on my face and tipped the seller when I walked out the door.

When I got in my car, I placed the lock discreetly into the storage box in the passenger and buried it under all my papers then driving to go pick up Adeline.

I got out of my car to wait but I didn't have to wait long until I saw Adeline walking out of the building with her car keys in her hand. When she saw me, a wide smile spread across her face as my heart melted. What did I do in my past life to deserve this.

I saw her pull out her cell phone and dialed a number as she made her way towards me.

"Yes, take the spare keys and drive my car back to the parking garage. Mhm. Thank you." Was what she said before hanging up and throwing her arms around my neck for a hug.

"I missed you." She said, kissing my lips gently.

I chuckled. "You saw me this morning."

"Still." She said, a pout on her face. I love that she can be like this around me. It lets me know that she is comfortable and I'm not too much.

"Get in the car princess." I said, opening the car door for her, a light blush on her cheeks from her nickname.

We're going to Paris!!

Published- 5/22/2022
Word count- 1211

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