13- Adeline Knight- Just a kiss

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Just by pulling into the parking lot of the bar, I could tell that this was a pretty popular bar and it took me a little bit before I could find a parking spot.

I could easily go to the club that I have a membership with but Emery isn't into that kind of kinky stuff so this is her go to bar.

I walked into the place and it was jam packed with people. Everywhere you would look, there would be someone drunk dancing.

After scanning the place, I spotted Emery on the dance floor with a few girls, surrounded by a group of guys.

I walked over to her and decided that it wouldn't hurt to join the fun ;) if you know what I mean.

It didn't take me long before I started dancing with Emery and the guys after introducing myself.

As I was dancing, I felt a pair of strong arms on my waist. It wasn't the familiar pair of hands that I was used to feeling but the way that it held dominance, even by the touch, was driving me crazy.

His presence behind me and using his hands to guide my hips to the beat was extremely hot and wasn't helping the attraction that I was feeling without even seeing his face.

The music changed after the song ended and the next song that came up had very much of a, "Playlist I would love to get railed to"  kind of vibe.

I took the chance and dropped down low making his hands on my waist travel up my sides and skim my breasts.

As I got back up, I made sure to arch my back and rubbed by ass against his crotch. Wrapping my arms around his neck behind me, I let his hands roam around my body as mine did his.

It's probably not the best idea to have one night stands with my position of power but who cares? It's not like I'll be seeing this dude around.

It'll just be one night anyway.

"God your beautiful." He said into my neck, his hot breath tickling my skin.

He slid his hands up from my waist up to my neck and held onto it making it so that I was inches away from his face.

"May I?" He said.

"Please" I moaned.

Without another moment to spare, he crushed his lips onto mine. I turned my body completely around so that I was facing him and wrapped my arms around his neck as he pulled my hips towards him.

"Are you with anyone?" He said pulling away.

Lorenzo flashed through my mind and I thought about it for a moment.

He never clarified that we were exclusive to each other and at the moment, I was both too drunk and horny to care.

"N—" before I could finish, someone behind me cleared their throat.

He moved his hands from my waist to my wrist, jerking my behind him, his hand around my wrist tightened to the point where it was extremely uncomfortable.

"Your not?" I heard Lorenzo's voice say and it sent shivers down my spine.

"You have no control over who she wants to be with. Get the fuck away." The guy in front of me said darkly, his voice filled with warning.

"Don't forget what happened last time when you decided to cross me." Lorenzo said crossing his arms.

I felt all of his muscles tense up around me and it was starting to hurt.

"Ow...." I said quietly so that maybe he would loosen up.

Apparently it wasn't quiet enough because Lorenzo heard.

"Let. Her. Go." He said between gritted teeth.

"I'll come back for you baby." He whispered into my ear and let go of me.

He walked to the door passing by Lorenzo on the way and glaring at him before turning around behind him and winking at me making me look down to avoid eye contact.

Lorenzo stepped closer to me and grabbed me by the wrists harshly, which was already bruised by the guy.

"That hurts." I whimpered.

He let go of my wrist and inspected it.

"Son of a bitch." He said, this time he moved his arms around my waist and guided me out of the bar.

He helped me into the passenger seat and walked around to the drivers seat to drive to who knows where.

He sat down in the drivers seat and gripped the steering wheel.

"Would you like to tell me what happened?" He said, his voice sounding calm.

I knew better thought, I could tell that he was anything but calm and was ready to burst.

I wasn't going it say anything because I didn't want to add fuel to the fire.

Knowing myself and my attitude, I would do more harm than good.

"Are you sure you want to go down this path Adeline?" Usually he doesn't call me by my name and it now made me even more intimidated.

"I'm really sorry." Was all I murmured.

"For. What?"

"It was really just a kiss. Nothing more." I lied hoping that saying what I said would calm him down.

"Don't you fucking lie to me." He said reaching over the center console and gripping my jaw making me look at him.

"What. Happened." His grip tightened even more but not to the point where it was unbearable. "I advise you to speak the truth. Or else tonight will be a nightmare for you."

"I danced with him!" I cried out.


I stayed quiet, too embarrassed to say it out loud in front of him.

"I see you chose to stay silent." The corner of his lips curved up slightly while he let go of my jaw and pulled out of the parking lot.

"You better be thinking of what you did wrong while I decide how I'm going to force that sweet little voice out of you." He made a turn onto the big road which I remember was the way to the club.

I whimpered trying to protest but it didn't work.

We pulled up to the back of club and he parked then looked at me.

"Don't move." He unbuckled my seat belt and got out of the car, walking around to open my door.

This is the side that I love about him. Even if I've probably pissed him off to the core, I can tell that he still cares.

After he opened my door, he held out his hand for me and I took it.

Unexpectedly, as soon as I was standing, he pulled me in for a hug.

He buried his head in my neck and we stood there for a little bit in each others arms.

"I'm going to show you just who you belong to tonight, you needy little whore."

"You'll wish you never went to that bar in that bar in the first place." He said huskily planting kisses on my neck.

Enjoy the next chapter babes. ♥️
It'll be posted this Wednesday ;)

Published- 3/20/2022
Word count- 1182

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