30- Adeline Knight- Confrontation

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As the time rolled around, I threw on a hoodie with some random sneakers and made my way into my car.

I drove to his house with a heavy heart and in complete silence other than the occasional traffic sounds that one would hear.

I really don't know what to expect today but I know that I need to talk to him one way or another.

As I pulled up into his driveway, his front door was opened and the glass door in front of it was propped open as well like he said it would be.

I walked into the house and took my shoes off by the door and slipped on the slides on the shoe rack that I had wore before, surprised that he had kept them there.

I made my way to the kitchen and saw that he was bringing food to the table and setting silverware beside the plates.

He motioned for me to take a seat and so I did, my eyes following his every move toward the kitchen.

When he came back, he had two drinks in his hands. "I brought some juice since I don't think you would like wine at the moment." He said, his voice full of caution for some reason.

"That's fine." I replied, giving him a quick nod before looking back down at my plate.

"Let's eat." He said, taking a seat across from me.

We took a few bites in silence before he spoke up.

"You wanted to talk?" He said, his eyes trained onto his plate as he took another bite.

"Yes." I took a deep breath, not knowing where to start, then deciding to bring up the most recent. "Why we're you with Melissa a few days after you left my house?" I asked, hoping the answer is something that made sense and not... because I wanted to fuck.

"Her father died." He said, no emotion showing through his words as he took a drink and looked me dead in the eye.

"How? I mean- if it's not too much to ask." I said, knowing that I didn't speak of my father until a few years after he died and still now, I don't know what had happened to him.

"I killed him." He said seriously, while still maintaining eye contact with me.

With those 3 words, my heart started racing and I didn't know what to say as many things came to mind but I kept them inside, trying not to burst.

"She wanted to drink and she didn't have anyone to talk to or to driver her home after so she called me." He said, setting his fork down.

"Her father..... what did he do?" I asked, wondering if I wanted to know in the first place.

"His name is Alexander Knox. Need I say more?" He said, pausing to let me process.

There goes my chance to find out what happened to my father. Maybe it just wasn't meant to be.

"His real name is actually Ace Anderson. He changed his name so he could stay near me to get his revenge.... So, I simply took him out of the picture when I got the chance." He said through gritted teeth.

Upon realizing, I put my utensil down, feeling like I was going to puke. "That party you took me to...."

"Yes. That one." He sighed. "He killed more of my men and threatened to go out and take you away." His hands were crumpled into fists and I could see his knuckles turning white.

"Why did you take me there in the first place then?!" I shouted, feeling my anger rise as I realized that I could have been seriously hurt that day because of him. "I don't need anything like this in my life and ever since you appeared, that's the only things that's happening!"

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