36- Adeline Knight- Apologizing

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As soon as he left I decided to get out of bed and go to the bathroom to clean off my surprisingly clean feeling face, taking note of the clean clothes on my body.

The headache that was pounding in my head had gone down severely from last night and it is now just a mild discomfort.

When I reached the bathroom, I felt my face and it felt as if I had already been cleaned but not moisturized. There was a bucket with some rags drying off the side of it as well my my makeup wipes on the counter.

Did he take care of me when I was drunk? What happened? I hope I didn't do anything stupid.

I moisturized my face and then brushed my teeth, getting rid of the last bit of whatever happened last night.

I walked into the living room of the suite and saw an open computer on the coffee table. Weird. I sat down and saw that it was opened to something that I didn't recognize.

Was he looking at this just now? No it couldn't be, I woke up with him. It must've been late at night since it hadn't closed. Maybe that's a function on the laptop?

I clicked on the file and watched as something that looked like camera footage come up. I watched a little more and then saw that it was the bar I was in last night.

Was he stalking me?! He didn't seem to mind when he told me to go. What the hell is this.

As I kept watching I saw that some dude came up to me. Someone the looked pretty cute that I would definitely hit up if I didn't have Lorenzo. I watched some more and saw that I was completely drunk by simply looking at how my actions weren't direct and how I kept wobbling in my seat.

The dude spoke to me for a bit before moving his hands to my thighs, sliding farther up and beneath my skirt.

Shit. I didn't have any undergarments on.

I kept watching in horror as he pushed himself onto me, kissing me forcefully, as I pushed back. Thank the lord. If Lorenzo saw this, he would be piss.

Sooner than later, I saw a figure walk up to the dude, knocking him out. Yup. That's definitely Lorenzo, I can recognize him anywhere. Moments later he scooped me up and then I heard a click. Wait, there's no sound to this video.

He's back.

I quickly shut the computer and watched as he arched one of his brows at me. "Did you watch what slutty thing you did, hm?" He asked, a familiar darkness clouding his eyes.

"I-I'm sorry sir, I was drunk and I wasn't thi—" I started to say, before he cut me off by wrapping his had around my throat, pulling me closer to him so that I was not longer sitting on the couch but standing only inches away from his body.

"Mhm. Excuses, excuses." He said, tightening his grip. "How should I punish this naughty slut hm? She I lay her across my lap and spank her ass pink?" He taunted, feeling heat pouring out of me.

"Please sir. Punish me for being suck a naughty slut." I said, neediness filling my voice. He left me needing on the plane and didn't even talk to me on the way here.

"You would like that wouldn't you? I can't have that. It's supposed to be a punishment. How about I do that for a warm up and then lay you on the bed and use my belt to teach you a lesson hm?" He asked, darkness filling his voice, engulfing me and pushing me deeper into submission.

I remember what happened last time when we used impact. We separated for a while and it wasn't delightful.

I guess he saw the fear in my eyes and he adjusted, whispering into my ear.

"I'm fully conscious this time, you'll enjoy it." He spoke, his words filling me with comfort. I nodded agreeing and knowing that he would take good care of me.

"Yes sir, please punish your little slut for being out of line. She need to be taught a lesson sir." I begged, knowing that the sooner it comes that sooner it'll be over.

"I trust that you'll use your safe word when needed?" He asked.

"Yes sir." I answered.

"Good girl." He praised, making me feel all warm inside again.

Without warning, he tossed me over his shoulder and I tried to wiggle off but earned a hard smack on my ass.

"Stop moving." He demanded, making me feel incredibly small.

When we got into the bedroom of the suite, he laid me across his lap, roughly pulling my pajama shorts and underwear off in one swift motion.

"Count." He said, without letting my any time before I felt his hand come in contact with my ass.

"One." I counted, not knowing how many I was going to receive. Based on his attitude, I'd be lucky is I was about to feel my ass tomorrow because of what I did.

"Two- three- four." I said with a little less ease than before as is hand swiftly came down onto my ass multiple times in a row, making my skin burst aflame.

His hand was definitely harsher now after he gave me somewhat of a warmup. "Five." I said, trying to sound more put together than I actually was.

"Six." I cried out, as this hit hurt a lot more. His hand stayed on my ass a little longer, adding pressure to the pain, rubbing it a few times before lifting it away.

"Such a dirty little whore hm?" He said as he continued his abuse on my ass.

"Seven!" I cried, feeling a tear slide down my face. I knew I could take a lot more but knowing that this was because I was being punished made me feel unsettled.

"Let this be a lesson to you. Are you going to go out anymore with my presence?" He asked, landing another on my already sore ass.

"Eight- ahhh" I moaned at he landed another one down straight on my slit. "NINE!" I shouted as I felt electricity buzz through my body.

"One more baby." He said, my body filling with anticipation, my body sitting on the edge, who knew that I could get off with just a spanking.

As he hit his hand on my slit once more, my body tipped over the edge and I came, gripping onto the bedsheets as my eyes rolled back into oblivion, the pleasure taking over my whole body.

"Such a naughty girl...." He tutted. "Did I give you permission to cum from a spanking?"

Published- 6/8/2022
Word count- 1141

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