39- Adeline Knight- candlelit dinner

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1 pm (they slept in)

"Good morning love, how did you sleep last night?" Lorenzo asked, full on knowing he was the reason that I didn't get to sleep much at all.

"I slept great." I said, flashing a sarcastic smile in his direction.

He gave me a look back that told me I probably shouldn't do that again.

"I have to go out to take care of some business, can you go and run some errand for me?" He asked.

"Errands? Business?" I thought that we came to Paris for us?

"I know, I know baby. It'll be quick. Just take this box down to the post office." He said, grabbing the keys to the rented car.

"Wait. If you take the car, am I supposed to walk?" I asked, a bit upset. I had pretty much expect for us to spend the day together since we were to leave to go back home in 2 nights.

"There's a driver outside waiting for you, get changed into something nice, so that later we can go out for lunch, k?"


When I got down to the lobby, I saw the car parked right outside.

"Miss Knight?" The driver asked.

I smiled and nodded.

He opened the door for me and I was about to step into the car when a lady that looked like she was in her 20's stopped me.

"Are you Adeline?" She asked.

I replied nodding.

She handed me a single red rose and then left.


I got in the car and then saw a piece of paper attached to the stem of the beautiful flower.

"-your secret Admirer ;)"

There wasn't a note stating what it was for so I just set it aside and listened to the faint traffic sound and the trending songs on the radio.

"We're here." The driver said, then came around and opened my door. He shut it behind me as I walked into the unfamiliar post office. I was out of place with the huge box I was carrying which was surprisingly light I might add.

As I was dropping off the box, another woman came up to be and handed me a rose, smiled, congratulated me, then left.

Okay, this can't be a coincidence. I thought.

When I made it back to the car, I pulled out my phone and sent Lorenzo a text.

Why am I getting roses?

What are you talking about?

Come on, don't play dumb, there's no one else that would do this for me, especially not in Paris.

Okay, okay. Did you look at the note that's attached to the second rose?

Not yet.

I set my phone down next to me and picked up the rose, carefully detaching the note from the stem.

"Roses are red, violets are blue, I can't wait to finally see you."

Under the note there was coordinates written neatly as if printed by a copier.


Trust me love, you won't regret it. ;)

Your such a dork.

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