23- Lorenzo Devlin- Secrets To keep

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As soon as I knew that Adeline was out for the night I kissed her cheek once more and cautiously got out of bed making sure not to wake her.

I made my way to my office as I thought about what to do.

It wasn't terribly late but she fell asleep pretty quickly because of everything that had happened to her the past few hours.

I called up Michel again to see if he had made any progress on getting my men back on board.

"Hey, I was just about to call you. I was about to round up most of the men and I just made our mafia public so the others know about us." He said, as soon as he picked up the phone.

"Fuck. I was wanting you to keep it unknown for a bit before we went public." I groaned, knowing that I have to deal with the other curious mafias all up in my business.

"I was hoping that Ace would see us and back of for a bit so so that we could buy some time. I apparently did it a bit too late as well." He paused, probably questioning if he should continue.

"How is Adeline doing? I released our information as soon as I saw that Ace had her so that he wouldn't have done anything. The blade only grazed her chin before I decided that it would be in our best interest to use an excuse to distract him. That way I was able to get him away from her for a bit."

So that's probably where that came from.

I internally groaned at the thought of Adeline being helplessly bound to the chair she was in.

"Is that why Ace wasn't personally there with Adeline?"

"Yes. The reason was that he got notified of our mafia's existence."

"I guess I should thank you then." I chuckled.

"It's quite the honor to work alongside you." He replied.

Before I was able to get another word in, one of the men I had kept after the mafia came into my office with something in his hand.

"Mail, sir." He said, handing me the card and leaving.

I opened it and looked at the contexts inside. It was a invitation card.

From the Spanish Mafia.

I've never heard of a welcome back party for a new mafia, I chuckled.

"Since when where there welcome parties?" I asked, maybe Michel knew more about it than me. He dealt with a lot of our mail for the mafia back then.

"Who is it from?" He asked.

"The Spanish. We weren't really on a friendly basis before, were we?"

"No, I don't seen to remember them particularly being on our side." He said humming in return.

"When is it hosted?" He asked as I heard him typing away on the keypad.

I looked at the date, surprised. "It's held... tomorrow night." I said.

"That's a little weird. Why is it held at such a short notice?" He asked. "Ah ha." I heard him say abruptly.

"What?" I asked.

"I don't know if you want to follow through with this, but it's a way and it could get you what you want." He said beating around the bush.

I hated when people did that around me.

"Out with it." I said annoyed.

"It seems that Ace has hired a temptress. The best one at that. Probably trying to get you drunk and out." Michel said.

"I'll have to go. I need some men tomorrow stationed around the area, I'll send you the address." I said

"Is Adeline going to be aware of this?" He asked.

"I'll tell her that it's just a normal party. I'll have to keep it from her." I said, hating the words coming from my mouth.

It's just to keep her safe. I won't keep anything from her. Just this.

"You think she'll let you go to a party and have a temptress around you? Let me add, you have to interact with them. And not just talking.... Touching, a lot." He said.


"That's why she won't be around me when I do so." I said, mentally puking as I thought about the things that I might have to do tomorrow.

"Whatever you say. I'll have men stationed there for the night. Just... be careful. You don't know if it's genuine or a trap set by Ace." He said, moments later I heard the line click dead, signaling that he hung up.

I let out a huge breath that I didn't even know I was holding and all I could do at the moment is hope for the best tomorrow.

I got in bed again and Adeline stirred a little in her sleep. She's so perfect. How did I get so lucky?

I pulled her closer to my body and held her as I fell asleep.

The next morning came faster than I had wanted it to but I guess all good things come to an end.

I woke up earlier than Adeline so that I could make her some breakfast.

I made some waffles with sausage and eggs on the side. I brought it upstairs quietly to surprise her but when I got in the room she was already up.

The shower just got turned off so I set the food on the nightstand and sat on the bed waiting for Adeline to finish getting dressed.

She was taking a little longer than I had expected so I walked over to the door and as soon as I was there, she came out.

"Oh! Hey, I was going to go out with some friends tonight, would you like to come?" She asked while drying her hair with a towel.

I paused for a second surprised at the coincidence.

"Don't worry, all my friend's boyfriends and girlfriends are going to be there. You won't be the only one." She said reassuring.

"Well.. I was going to ask you if you wanted to come to a party that I was invited to tonight." I said, chuckling.

"Oh. Of course! Let me tell my friends, can I invite them actually?" She asked.

I wanted to say no but I feel that that would rise suspicion.

"That's fine." I replied. I'll just get some men to shadow them.

Let's hope for the best tonight.

Published- 4/24/22
Word count- 1067

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