10- Adeline Knight- Fuck you

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He took my wrists and held them down together over my head as he used his free hand to tug the skirt aggressively off of my legs.

As soon as he was able to get the skirt off of my body, he threw it somewhere on the ground bringing his hands back to me.

He slides his hands down my stomach to my clit and rubs in a circular motion, a very satisfied moan leaves my lips when he slips two if his fingers in me, working it in and out at a steady pace.

"You've been a very bad girl haven't you?"

I moaned in reply, not being able to form words as I feel my orgasm build up.

"What did you say?" He asked, picking up the pace with his fingers.

"Yes!" I cried out. I was already at my high since I have been wanting this since the car ride home.

"Please.. may I come?"

"Are you done being a bad girl?"

"Yes!" It was getting difficult to keep it on anymore and I could feel my legs starting to shaking.

"Yes... what?"

"Yes sir!" As I said this, he pulled his fingers out of me, making my feel completely empty.

"Please, No!" I cried as I was really looking forward to the release.

"Was that a demand?" He questioned, flipping me around so that I was laying on my stomach.

He takes my hands that were above my head and moved them on my back, making sure that I wouldn't be able to move them.

"No, please!" He landed his hand on my butt and my cries turned into moans as he lays a few more on the same spot in a row.

Without another warning, he slams his fingers back in me and it doesn't take long for me to reach my high again.

As he senses this he leans down by my ear to the point where I could feel the warm heat from his body surrounding me.

"Are you going to be a good girl from now on?"

"Yes sir! Please...!" I cried as I was trying my best to hold in my orgasm.

"Okay then." He pulls his fingers out of me again and I whine. "Then go shower and put your clothes on while I get you some dinner."

"Fuck you!" I screamed at him as he denied me for who know what time now.

"No no, I would phrase my words better if I were you." He tutted.

And with that, he let go of me and walked out of the room.

When I was almost done with my shower like he told me to, I was still horny as hell.

I heard the front door click as I was putting my clothes on.

Coming out of the bathroom, I walked to the kitchen to see where he was.

When I got there, the only thing that I saw was a bag of Togo food on the counter and a post-it note next to it.

I was disappointed that he had just left like that, but also thankful that he got me food.

Curious of what was on the post-it note, I went to check it out.

I wish I could've stayed longer but I need to address some situations at the club.
You were such a good girl for me love.
I'll leave you my number and I'll let you decide if you want to text me. ;)
Love, Lorenzo

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