21- Adeline Knight- Surprise turned disaster

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Once I got off work, I decided that I didn't want to cook dinner tonight so I chose to stop by at this restaurant that I passed when I first went to Lorenzo's club.

Maybe even stop by his club to see what he's up to.

Dinner was a blur and I soon found myself singing along to the song playing on the radio while driving to the club.

As soon as I walked in, the familiar scent of the club engulfed me. The scent was alluring and kind of turned me on.

I guess that really is the point of this club.

Someone sprayed a little too much pheromone spray today, it's taking over my senses.

I made my way to the staircase leading up to his office and walked up ready to surprise him.

When I reached the office, the door was cracked and it sounded like things were getting heated in there.

I heard a loud crash from the room and the Lorenzo went ballistic.


I know I should probably see myself out but my curiosity got the best of me.

I leaned my ear against the door and peered through the cracked door to see what was going on.

Lorenzo ran his hands through his hair and he walked back around and sat in his chair.

"Well you've got 2 choices. Keep her in the dark or explain everything to her. Once Ace finds out about his information leaking, he'll do anything he can to stop it." The other person said.

Are they referring to me?

I've never seen the other person before but it seems the Lorenzo places a whole lot of trust in him.

"Don't get her involved unless we absolutely have to." Lorenzo replied.

"Well they already know where she lives so we'll have to soon." The person said, a little too calmly.

"How the fuck did they find out where Adeline lives?" Lorenzo said, glaring.

Who knows where I live?

I panicked and lost my balance making me stumble into the room.

"Adeline? What are you doing here." Lorenzo asked.

"No. Answer this first. What the fuck is happening." I said, helping myself of the ground and crossing my arms across my chest.

"Adeline. Go home. It's none of your business." He said sternly.

"Well apparently it is, considering someone knows my fucking address." I replied back with more attitude than I had intended.

"Adeline, you don't want to get involved. Trust me." He said, warning me.

Part of me wanted to believe him but the other part of me wanted to know what this was all about.

"It involves your father. And the person who calls himself Alexander. Who we found out a few days ago that it's Ace coming back to get me." He said, careful of how he was phrasing things.

"So you were the one that stole the card from me?" I said questioning him.

"I found it in my car the last time I was over at your house. Then I asked him to look into it since I've never heard of that name when I was in the mafia." He said pointing at the guy who was listening in on our conversation.

"I thought you said he died?" I asked, remembering about what he told me before. "And what does this have to do with me?"

"Yes. We thought that he died but what he actually did was plant evidence for us to find that lead this his fake death. He changed his identity afterwards so that we couldn't find him." He explained. "Too bad DNA can't be changed."

"We also found out that your father was a good friend of Ace's when your father was alive." He said.

"I knew that. alexan— I mean, Ace came to my office a few days ago and told me." I replied, correcting myself.

"He went to find you?" The other person said.

I looked over at him since I haven't heard a word from him since I entered this room.

"Sorry. I'm Michel, a good friend of Lorenzo here. Ace knows a lot more about us than we know about him it seems."

"The best thing we can do right now is protect ourselves. Adeline, your not safe in your home. Pack a few of your things today and come to my safe house for a few days." Lorenzo said.

"You still have that thing? I thought you got rid of it once your disbanded the Mafia." Michel said.

"Wait. Hold on. I'm not moving in with you." I replied. I barely knew him, I'm not ready to move in with him.

"You really don't have a choice. I'll talk to you later Michel, let me know if our find out more." Lorenzo said, coming to me and grabbing my wrist, pulling me out the door.

"Let go of me!" I said pulling away, when we got out of the club.

"We don't know the situation here. No one does, other than Ace and his men. It's better to be safe than sorry. Get in the car."

"No!" I yelled. "I don't need you to protect me, you said that he was a good friend of my father's right? He won't do anything to me." I said, really hoping that that's the case.

"Adeline. Get your ass in the car or you'll regret it." Lorenzo said through gritted teeth.

I decided not to argue any more and got in his car. As soon as I buckled my seat belt, he drove off towards my house.

When we got close enough, I saw a few men surrounding my house. Lorenzo noticed as well and turned off the lights from the car and park a few houses away from mine.

He opened the center console and pulled out a gun.

I felt my breath hitch and my heart rate quickening as I watched him slowly open the car door, cocking the gun.

"Stay in the car. And no matter what happens, don't make a sound." With that, he shut the door as quietly as possible and locked the doors.

Everything happened so fast and I saw guns being fired around my house and the next thing I knew was someone breaking the car window next to me.

I tried to scream at Lorenzo for help but my mouth and nose quickly got covered up with a piece of fabric.

Someone's arm went around my neck, letting minimal air to get to my lungs.

Sooner than later, I felt myself getting lightheaded and then everything around me went black.

I'm happy to announce that this book is over half the way complete!
I am currently working on a new book that with be posted soon, I'll let you know!
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Published- 4/17/22
Word count- 1164

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