Chapter One - The Little Mad Dog

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It was never hard for me to get along with people. I was good at making others hear what they wanted to in order for them to consider me their friend. However, I wouldn't necessarily call them friends. I didn't trust them, they are merely bodies to keep me safe from my insecurities. Sometimes it didn't matter how many people I surrounded myself with, I felt lonely. So lonely it hurt.

My only real friend was my brother. Well, that was true until he started high school and distanced himself from everyone. That was the difference between the two: I found comfort in others while he was better off alone. It wasn't always like this though, there was a time where the two of us were inseparable and could make everyone around us smile. I thought that if he joined volleyball and started doing something he loved, he would go back to his old self. However, it seems like the club only became another burden to him. And just like that, we drifted apart, only talking when we had something to scream about.

I sat in my usual spot: all the way to the back of the classroom with all the attention in the world. Everyone's desk was around mine as they listened to another of my stories.

My hands fly to the air as I recite what had happened that night. There is a huge smile plastered on everyone's faces as they sit on the edge of their seat waiting to hear what happens next. Their eyes shimmering from excitement while looking at me.

I enjoy this. It was times like these where I forgot how alone I was.

"Okay! Enough!" The teacher enters the class. Her eyes as dead as her soul. Can't blame her though, if I had to deal with kids for a living I would also look like that. She scans the classroom as everyone moves their desks to their respective places, her eyes stop on me and she lifts a finger, "Take a seat there."

I blink a couple of times in confusion. Is she talking to me?

It takes me a second to realize the girl next to her. A brunette girl with dark eyes who can't be taller than a hundred and sixty centimeters. I am pretty familiar with every student in this school, I would remember someone with a darker complexion and different ethnic features.

"This is Sato Camila," The teachers explains as if she can read my mind, "She just transferred from Tokyo, so make her feel welcome."

Everyone stares at the new girl, makes sure to memorize every feature so they can later talk about it to their friends. The foreign eyes seem to make her nervous, for she stands awkwardly with her hands behind her back. Her small frame is cute, as cute as the red bows in her hair and the pink-shimmering gloss in her lips.

"Go on," The teacher touches her shoulder and shows her her seat with the other hand in front of her.

Slowly, and a bit embarrassed, the girl walks towards me. She smiles at me warmly before letting her pink backpack fall on the ground and sits next to me.

"My mom is Argentinian," She tells me when she catches me staring.

"Oh, I didn't mean to stare," I quickly make eye contact with her caramel pair and shake it off with a smile, "You just stand out."

"No, I understand," She laughs, "I'm kinda used to it."

Doesn't seem like it, because despite her efforts to cover up how she really feels, I know she must hate the stares and the rude comments that accompany them. My actions ashame me a bit, a sorry stays stuck in my throat.

Her curly hair tangles between her finger and her eyes wander around the room before she gains the courage to speak again, "Hey, would you mind showing me the male's volleyball gym?"

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