Chapter Twenty-Nine - Deed Of Love

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Iwaizumi's POV

"When's Y/N coming?" Haru lifts his head from his book and randomly asks from his seat on the couch across from me.

"Mmm, not sure," I answer his question as quietly as possible so Akio, who is in my arms, doesn't wake up.

It's been a year of taking care of him, yet it never gets easier. Sleepless nights are not uncommon to me. He is a handful but I don't complain, he is my brother: my responsibility. The slightest thought of thinking about him as a burden makes me extremely guilty.

"Where's she?" Haru asks.

With that stupid Terushima.

"Visiting a friend," I lie. Not like I can tell a nine-year-old that Y/N went to break up with that piece of shit of a man.

"Hajime, do you like her?"


I avoid his question. Haru has never liked any of the girls I've had a fling with. He never says anything, just stares at them from his seat, pretending he doesn't hear them when they try to make small talk with him. I know it's none of the girls' faults, Haru is just special, however, that has always pushed me away from them.

"Seems like you like her more than I do," I chuckle. He always asks about her: if she went to school, if I saw her, if she is taking Ikari to practice.

The fact that he hasn't seen her since the day she came home has him running laps, anxious for them to cross paths again.

His cheeks turn into an intense shade of pink, almost red, as he avoids eye contact with me and looks down at his book.

"I think she is pretty," He tries to hide the small smile that begins to form, "And she is really nice."

I'm glad he likes Y/N because if he didn't, I would be forced to cut all ties with her. Which would undoubtedly break my heart on the spot. Or worse, maybe I would stay with her despite Haru's feelings. It would be too selfish, breaking that promise I made to him so many years ago.

"Do you have a crush on-?" The dinging sound of my phone interrupts my sentence.

I shift my baby brother in my arms, slowly getting him comfortable in a way so I can reach over for my phone in my back pocket. The cracked screen lights up and Oikawa's message is displayed.


Iwa-Chan <3:


I think I just got heartbroken

Oikawa gets- quote on quote -heartbroken every couple of weeks. To what most humans refer to as rejection or an inconvenience, he likes to call heartbreak. It's what happens when one grows up as privileged. However, I know that what Oikawa feels is pretty intense. He has a tendency of loving harder than most people, but he also tends to forget pretty quickly, making me question if what he feels is truly love and heartbreak. Either way, he knows I'll always be here to listen to how the girl he has been hitting on for days has a boyfriend or how the girl he has been talking to is actually a lesbian and thought of him as a gay homie.

Iwa-Chan <3:

U r seriously bothering me for that shitWhat happened?

I saw Cami with someone else
She told me we were never even dating

My mother has never and will probably never win the Best Mom Award. I never understood why she ever even bothered in going through the nine-month pregnancy. As soon as we popped out, she completely forgot about us. When I was younger, due to my mother's drinking problem and frequent guests, Oikawa's parents took me in.

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