Chapter Seven - An Unintentional Lie

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Chapter Seven - An Unintentional Lie


I lied to Iwaizumi.

I didn't stay home like I said I would, but for the record, I was planning to. That was until screams started echoing.

I was already in my room, my door and windows were locked for the night. I was even doing my homework for the first time instead of finishing it minutes before class.

It all came down to shit when he decided to play the shitty father role.

He slammed his fist on my door. Once. Twice. A couple of times more before he spoke.

"Y/N! Open this door! NOW!"

I was expecting to get yelled at for escaping through my window and not coming home for the night, not for what was about to say.

I opened the door expecting a punishment that I wasn't going to follow and they were never going to notice. However, that never came.

"I don't want that boy near the house!" He screamed more desperate than furious, "I don't want him around you! Got it?!"

"Why?" I asked. Not to give him attitude but from mere curiosity.

I would understand if he had said to stay away from Yuji, but Iwaizumi? He is a cookie cutter. Sometimes he can be a little aggressive but if I was twenty-four-seven with Oikawa, I would too.

As expected, he didn't give a clear answer to the question, he just screamed, and went off on how he didn't have to give explanations because it was his house, his rules. He wasn't having it but neither was I, so I asked again, this time more confidently, louder. It wasn't because it was Iwaizumi, it was because he was prohibiting something without a reason.

"Why do you want to hang out with that bastard boy so bad?!" He snapped, "He's bad news, just like his whole fucking family! So stay away!"

"Your problems with his family are not my fucking problems!"

I could tell that it hit a spot. Dad isn't used to not getting things done his way, so either you are with him or you're against him. Not only that, but knowing his own blood and flesh won't side with him, it's an embarrassment because, just like he has said, what will others think of us? That we aren't a good family?

Not that it's the public's business, but that's exactly what we aren't. Especially because of him, and what happened after that is a perfect example of it.

"Stop hanging out with the boy," This time his words were at a normal tone, annoyed more than anything. When he sees my lips part, about to say something, he flipped again, "Y/N, I DON'T WANT A GRANDCHILD ASSOCIATED WITH THAT FUCKING FAMILY! PEOPLE TALK BAD ENOUGH ABOUT US BECAUSE OF YOU!"

I had to swallow the knot that had formed in my throat but even that wasn't enough to stop my eyes from watering and for big fat tears to roll down my face almost immediately. I had heard it from Mom countless times, she has even called me a slut, but Dad had never mentioned it to my face.

That's why I left. I didn't need more problems. I'm tired. Tired of screaming matches and crying until I fall asleep. It'll get better, it always does. This is just a bump in the road.

I had been trying to avoid Yuji, but I still found a way to stand in front of his house.

Im outside ur house
Can u open the door?


The sound of footsteps became louder and louder the closer he got. Only one set of footsteps.

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