Chapter Twenty-One - Proof Against Love

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Narrator's POV

Y/N didn't think the peak of their relationship had passed, or at least that's what she would try and convince herself of. Even if they had been, she wouldn't do anything except keep trying. Putting the effort for the two of them if she had to. What she told Iwaizumi that day at the gym had been true, he does treat her right sometimes. With Yuji, it's like a rollercoaster, there are good and bad days. But isn't that how every relationship is?

Yuji was trying. As a matter of fact, he was in his house, sitting on the edge of his bed with a bouquet of sunflowers in his grasp. He couldn't remember the last time he was this anxious. Well, she always made him feel nervous, but he always hid it by standing taller, smiling more. She made Yuji feel like he was below her; like he wasn't enough. It was true to some extent, but she didn't look at him that way.

What really had Yuji this fidgety was he had finally decided he was going to tell her. He knew he needed help, to talk about his anxiety attacks and sudden depression episodes. It wasn't the first time he thought about telling someone. He once thought about going to see a therapist, the idea made him laugh as he thought about how stupid it sounded. I just need to suck it up, he had thought, I just need to forget about it.

Hell, it wasn't even the first time he thought about telling Y/N. It was probably the tenth time this week. Actually, he had thought about it the day before as they lay on his breath. The day before yesterday when they were passing the blunt. It truly scared him how vulnerable he felt with her. He almost hated it because part of him didn't want to say it, didn't want to admit he wasn't okay.

Yuji had never had anyone to lean on, and he didn't need anyone now. Did he? Every time he said to her I love you, he wasn't really sure if it was true, he just knew he had to say it. Truth was, he wasn't lying like he thought he was, at least not to her. He didn't want to be in love. That was stupid. That was useless. That's not what he needed. Needed? Wanted? It's blurred.

No, he thought as he stared at the stupid flowers, No, you can't tell her. You don't love her.

He did, in fact, love her. Love her so much that he wanted her to know everything about him. But if he loved her, he knew she would leave, he was just cursed like that. His dad, his brother, and his mother: all dead.

Yuji hid so much from Y/N that they were basically strangers. She didn't know about her dead brothers or father, she actually thought his mother's boyfriend was his dad. Y/N didn't know Yuji had a heart disease. She didn't know that week he disappeared was because he was in the hospital, all alone because his mother was on a trip with her stupid boyfriend. For fucks sake, Y/N didn't even know his birthday or his favorite food. She has no clue what makes him truly happy.

Yuji just hid his dark past, he didn't want her to pity him. Instead, she saw the cocky boy who is all smiles and parties. Yuji also hid his happiness. Simple things from his favorite sweater to his obsession with space. That way she wouldn't be able to take them away.

He doesn't want to lose love- he doesn't want to -that's why he doesn't admit to himself he loves her, it won't hurt when she leaves. He knows she won't leave, he has done the worse to her. Not something he's proud of but it does put him at ease because he doesn't want to lose her no matter how much he tells himself his feelings aren't what they are.

You can't tell her, He thinks again, You don't love her. You really don't.

Then prove it, His own mind dares himself, Prove you don't feel anything for her.

I will.

The bouquet of flowers falls to the floor as he stands up, stepping on them as he walks towards the door with all the confidence in the world behind him.

He walks, almost sprints, to her .

He slams the door of her house. It doesn't take long before she opens it, almost as if she was waiting for her.

Well, she was waiting just not for him.

Yuji doesn't even exchange a word with her, he just cups her face and pulls her closer until they smash lips. It's nothing romantic, it's pure aggression and dominance. She doesn't retaliate and instead wraps her arms around his waist and pulls him inside the house without even breaking lip contact. All while the other one, the one for who she wore her nicest pair of bra and underwear for, stands in the middle of the road witnessing heartbreak.

She really kissed him, the boy thinks as pure anger and jealousy rise. He doesn't need that bitch . It's not like she made him feel special, not like he loved spending time with her and would count the days until they would see each other. It's not like he felt like a completely different person when they were together. It was stupid to believe she felt the same way, after all, he wasn't any different than a toy, a pastime. He should have known she wouldn't drop Yuji for him.

Driven by revenge, he pulled his phone out and took as many pictures as possible, from all angles until he was sure the people in the picture were recognizable. He was going to ruin their life. Maybe not hers, but definitely his, he had enough dirt. He didn't think twice before sending the pictures along with other proof and the story behind them to a social media page. Not any social media page, the social media page that was run by some first years where they would post all sorts of stupid shit. Just meddling kids trying to stir drama, they never failed to. Everyone in the fucking school followed them so it wouldn't be hard for the target audience to see them. It would be trending in no time for sure. And indeed, within minutes of posting, at least half of the school had seen it. It spread like a virus.

All while Y/N sat on the bleachers in front of the school. That was her usual spot to wait for Yuji. He used to be more romantic, picking her up from school every day, sometimes ditching volleyball just to see her. Believe it or not, that was before Yuji even loved her.

She sat with her legs crossed and her phone thigh around her hand, waiting for it to vibrate and the screen to light up to reveal Yuji's message: look up. She had already imagined everything. She would look up and he would approach her with a smile and a single flower in his hands. Just like the old days.

Indeed, her phone vibrated. Message after message. Notification after notification. None from Yuji but sure as hell about him.

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