Chapter Twenty-Eight - Forgive And Forget

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Iwaizumi's POV

Kyotani was alone, nothing out of the ordinary. He was sitting in the corner of the gymnasium just like his other part always did. At times, I thought Y/N and him shared the same neuron.

His face, as always, molded into a scowl: eyebrows meeting in the middle, low head, and a penetrating stare. I followed his eyes- at the end of the disgusting look, Sato-San stood as she talked with our caption. Them, unlike Kentaro, smiled and seemed to be sharing a wholesome moment.

Lately Oikawa has become obsessed with the idea that he is deeply in love with Sato-San despite knowing very little of her. They rarely hang out besides fucking and the only words the speak besides that is the pillowtalk. I try not to ask the details of those conversations. It has always been easier to feed Oikawa's delusional head with ideas that match his own, or else hour long rants will accompany it.

Plus, from the outside, it seems as if she enjoys his company too. I've seen how she blushes whenever she is close to him, how she always makes sure to take a seat next to him on the bus. She also became our manager for the sake of fucking Oikawa. You don't have sex with someone unless you really like them.

It's as if by thinking of him, I'm summoning the Great King. Because as soon as he spots me, he loses interest in Sato-San. They exchange a few more words then he walks, almost sprints, towards me. A cocky smile on his face.

"So did you fuck Kyotani-Chan?" The words immediately leave his lips.

A rush of blood comes up my head and my cheeks get hot.

I've always hated Oikawa's big mouth, and even after all these years, I've never gotten used to it.

My head quickly turns to look for Kentaro in his lonely corner, expecting for that deadly stare to be redirected at me waiting with curled fingers for the answer to leave my lips. Earlier in the day I saw his bruised knuckles. They were covered with dark-purple splotches and cuts with blood still lightly tainting them. It looked like it had been a bad fight, despite it, his face is intact, the rest of his body healthy with no trace of one.

I know I'm better than Kyotani Kentaro at most things- running, hand wrestling, volleyball -but I doubt fighting is one of them. Especially if he learned any of it from his daddy.

When I look, the dark corner is empty. My eyes wander a bit, quickly spotting him with Sato-San as they leave the gymnasium.

Thank god.

Oikawa doesn't notice this. If not, I'm sure he would make a scene and run towards her.

"You really have to ask that shit as loud as possible?" I ask Oikawa angrily and slam my opened palm on his ear making his whole body jerk to the side.

"Hey!" He stumbles on his feet as he tries to regain his balance. However, he quickly forgets about it as his curiosity rises again and a stupid grin on his face creeps out, not even trying to hide it, he asks, "So did you?"

"No," I turn my face to hide the redness and embarrassment that it shows.

I was glad when Oikawa and Makki walked in and stopped us from going any further. I didn't want to have sex with her, but I also wouldn't have had the guts to tell her to stop. When it comes to her, my body seems to obey her and my brain becomes merely decoration with no will. It's hard telling Kyotani no, especially when she stares at me with doe eyes and a cunning smile.

"You didn't?" Oikawa teases.

"I didn't," This time, I say it almost sad.

The opportunity was there. Y/N was in my hands as much as I was in hers, and at the moment, I doubt neither of us would have stopped out of our own wills.

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