Chapter Thirty-One - One Sided Love

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The loud-crispy cries echo and bounce between every wall in the house. Desperate yells accompany them that I'm sure are heard at least two houses away.

They ring in my ears for a couple of seconds before it clicks that it's not a murder, but sounds of despair coming from the shared room.

Hajime stands up, exhaling in exhaustion as he realizes what awaits him.

Akio gets louder. It doesn't take long for Haru to come out from the dark hallway. His eyes barely opened and saliva still wet on his cheeks. In between his arms, he sloppily carries the baby, who kicks furiously and bends his spine in awkward positions, making it seem as if he is melting.

He walks closer towards the two of us. My eyes quickly land the lacy underwear on the floor. As discreet as possible, I pull it with my feet closer and hide it under the couch.

"Baby won't stop crying," Haru yawns, for the most part he seems unbothered by thunder-like screams.

Hajime quickly grabs Akio from Haru who immediately drags his feet in the opposite directions and back to bed, leaving Hajime to deal with the baby.

It feels like a sick joke, for as soon as he is in Hajime's arms, the cries stop.

Me too, Akio, me too.

Hajime rocks the baby, moving his body at the tempo of it from side to side.

"Shh, shh," He whispers, almost sounding like a melody from a lullaby.

I smile as I watch him be so tender and delicate with Akio. Soft unlike the side his teammates and most of the school ever see. Even I- who has seen him interact with Haru -can't help but melt from the lovely scene.

"Stop," Hajime fixes the baby on one arm and uses his free hand to flicker my forehead playfully, a grin of his own forming despite trying to stay serious.

"It's cute," I say.

He takes a seat next to me, his brother already deep in sleep totally disregarding the dramatic scene he just pulled. I lean my head on his shoulder and wrap my arm around his bicep. As soon as he feels my fingertips, he flexes the muscle. It's not a reflex from nervousness, but to show off, for he laughs when I look up to give him the rolled eyes.

"Hey, Hajime," I find a way to fill the silence, "Do you want kids? When you grow up, I mean."

"Yeah," He answers without giving it a second thought, "Don't you?"

"I don't think so," I say, "But if you were the dad I wouldn't mind." My words make him tense a bit.

"Why is that?"

"Because I know you would take good care of them," I kiss his cheek and whisper close to his ear, "You are too good."

"I think you would be a good mom too."

That makes me laugh ironically.

"Yeah, I doubt that," I say, "I can barely take care of myself."

He gulps. Knowing exactly what I mean. I've been clean for a couple of days, yet I can't say the temptation doesn't follow me everywhere. I'm anxious all the time, fidgeting with my empty fingers that miss the hotness of a blunt. My nose sometimes aches. And I find myself often wishing I could get so high my brain would shut up.

I'm dangerous to myself, the only thing I can do to a tiny person would be hurt it, leave it more fucked up than how my parents left me. Because breaking cycles is not a natural thing that comes to me.

However, as always, Hajime always seems to know what to say.

"Then I would take care of you and the baby," He bumps his head with mine playfully to lighten the mood.

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