Chapter Twenty-Five - An Unattainable Unknown

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Iwaizumi's POV

"Thank you, Hajime," Kyotani says as her grip tightens around me. Her voice is low and her breath warm against my neck as she says those words. It sends shivers down my spine.

There is nothing to be thankful for, I want to say but the words stay stuck in my throat so I stay quiet and slowly bring my arms up to wrap them around her.

She sniffs a couple of times and I feel her heart's rate increases as her grip becomes tighter. My left shoulder becomes damp as she silently cries.

I wish I could help her and remove all the pain even if it was mine to carry because I truly hate watching her break like this. She doesn't deserve it, Kyotani hasn't done anything to deserve such pain.

"Sorry," She pulls away, and avoiding eye contact, cleans the mucus and tears from her face.

"Don't apologize," I say and without thinking about it, place my fingers on her chin and guide her face so she looks at me. Her eyes glimmer under the light of the moon, they even appear a lighter shade. Even crying she looks beautiful, damn her.

I'm left speechless and forget what I'm even going to say. I'm too distracted trying to memorize every mole in her face, every wrinkle.

I feel like a middle schooler discovering porn.

She doesn't help my concentration either as she moves her head and forces my palm to cup her cheek.

"I'll see you tomorrow at school?" She brings her hand up and presses it over mine, slowly guiding it to her lips where she lightly pecks it then pulls away.

It almost seems as she does on purpose, everything she does is to manipulate me into feeling like jelly. She'll guide and them, just as fast, leave me wanting more affection.

"Goodnight, Hajime," She waves a goodnight and begins to walk away.

Called it.

I watch as she disappears into the dark house, but even with more than forty feet of distance between the two, her spell still lingers in the air preventing me from placing one foot in front of the other and walking.

I would have probably stayed standing outside like a creep for more time, if it wasn't for the light that becomes brighter and brighter as it approaches me at rapid speed. From the corner of my eye I see the car speeding.

Panic rises and my heartbeat increases. My body acts before my brain can fully process the scene and takes several steps backwards away from the machine's path as the car makes a sudden turn, wheels screeching against the pavement and leaving dark lines behind. Too fast for my feet to keep up, I lose coordination along with my balance and fall to my bottom. Horrified and with eyes wide open, I watch as the car goes over the sidewalk and into the yard, passing over the spot I had been standing seconds ago. It comes to a sudden stop and almost immediately, the driver steps down slamming the door behind them.

Kyotani's father approaches me no differently than the last time we met, with closed fists and a murderous look on his face.

"Iwaizumi," He says between teeth and a vein pops from his forehead as he approaches me.

My arms try to crawl backward when my legs don't respond to my mental pleas to run away.

He leans down without bending his knees, the smell of alcohol still strong in his breath and nicotine on his clothes. His eyes are bloodshot.

"I thought I warned you, hiccup," His words are sluggish, "Was I not clear enough?"

"You were clear, sir," the words come out of me, pretty clear and loud for someone who is on the floor with a three-hundred-pound man over him.

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