Chapter Thirty-Eight - Like A Mountain Downhill

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"Yo, Yui!" I knock on the door non-stop and without a particular rhythm to it. The banging probably echoes in every corner of the house.

Even when I hear Aunt Yui's screaming, I don't stop banging.

"I'm coming!" I hear the anger from the other side of the door. Instead, I hit the door harder and faster, forcing the stomping on the wooden floor to hurry.

Once I hear the clicking of the chains and removing of the lock, I put my red-swollen knuckles down.

"Wassup!?" I make a peace sign and pout once the door opens to reveal Aunt Yui adjusting the robe around her waist.

"Why didn't you answer my text?"

"Why are you wearing that?" I ignore her question and wiggle a finger at her outfit as I walk inside the house, "It's three in the afternoon, woman."

She ignores my question as well.

"Want some tea?" She heads towards the kitchen without getting an answer from me. However, she knows it's a yes with two sugar cubes.

I'm too concerned looking at the living room, trying to figure out what's wrong with the room: maybe a missing frame or a misplaced candle. I can't exactly point at it, but I can feel my body act awkward at the foreignness of the place.

My body sinks as I throw myself on the couch, something Aunt Yui has shown disapproval of. She says it's not very lady-like, maybe she doesn't notice, but this time she doesn't say anything despite the loud sound of the screeching wood against the short legs of the furniture.

"What is it you wanted to talk about?" I ask to distract myself, but my eyes still wander trying to decipher the puzzle. The last words of my question fade away as a sound interrupts me. The faint footsteps of a third person in the house. They sound far away and heavy. And before I can even ask, the person makes a turn at the end of the hallway that connects the master bedroom to the rest of the house.

The tall silhouette stops when they spot me sitting on the couch. However, by this time I have already seen them and they know that. So they do the less awkward thing and step onto the light, giving the mysterious shadow a face: dark monolid eyes and long-wavy hair down to his shoulders. It seems as if he shaved a couple of days ago, the stubble on his jaw proof of that.

"Hello," He shyly waves at me.

"Oh," The sound escapes my lips, then a louder, "OH!" When the pieces fall on their respective places. I jump up from my seat and look around the room, this time more aware of the situation, I'm easily able to find what's wrong with the room. From the scent of wood to the extra pair of slippers and the lack of wrappers and take out boxes on the floor.

He has definitely been here for a while.

"I thought I told you to wait for me," Aunt Yui comes out with two cups, she hands one to me but I'm still too shocked, staring at them awaiting some sort of enlightenment.

How long? When? Where? What the fuck!

"Ah-" I gasp when I notice the mysterious man is only wearing a pair of basketball shots, "You did the deed!"

My laugh completely changes the mood. Aunt Yui is able to relax for a second before embarrassment floods her cheeks.

"Get out of here!" She pushes him to where he came from. He doesn't retaliate, and almost sprints out.

"Is that what you wanted to tell me?"

"Yes. NO!" She sights before she lets her body fall on the couch. I follow, and sit next to her while taking a sip of the warm drink, "Agh~!" She covers her face with her free hand, "This is so embarrassing."

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