Chapter Twenty-Four - Can't Wait To Say

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Narrator's POV

"You sure are funny," Iwaizumi chuckles and tries to distract himself with the food. He picks up dumplings and blows air, yet he's aware of how close she is to him. It makes his hand tremble a bit and his cheeks burn.

Iwaizumi isn't psychic but he has a clear idea of what Y/N has in mind, or at least, that's what he hopes for in a way.

"What? How?" She asks innocently with doe eyes.

"Do you always get what you want by just batting your eyelashes?" The question comes out of Iwaizumi playfully.

The question catches her off guard, completely changing the mood she was in. Way to cockblock me, she thinks.

"Huh?" She asks despite knowing exactly what Iwaizumi is implying.

"Come on, just finish eating and I'll walk you home."

Although Iwaizumi liked where that was heading, his sane part was screaming for it not to. The difference between Iwaizumi and most of his classmates like Oikawa was he was very aware of what head he was thinking with, and he didn't let the one in his pants take control of the situation.

"I thought you liked me," Y/N says as she begins to question everything: begins to think she imagined the way Iwaizumi looked at her. Maybe he's just a good person and Y/N is just not used to it. Or maybe he was just trying to fuck me, she thinks, so why is he refusing now?


"Then why don't you want me?"

He isn't sure on how to answer the question, and for the first time, he looks up to meet her eyes hoping not to see hurt in them. She crosses her arms around her chest, a form of protection from the world. At this moment, she begins to feel so small. A similar feeling to what she had felt earlier in the day. She can't believe how much has happened in a couple of hours, how what she had built for months, has come crashing down and buried her underneath. Whatever happens in the next couple of days would be unknown waters. Unknown, cold, lonely waters, and she knows that.

Slowly, Iwaizumi extends his arm, being careful and checking if she flinches or even moves a millimeter, the last thing he wants is to make her feel worse. It wasn't his intention to make her insecure in the first place, but he wasn't going to be pushed either.

When she doesn't move, he touches her arm lightly.

"You know it's not that," He says.

Iwaizumi isn't an idiot.

She is hurt: isn't thinking straight. There is only one thing going through her mind, one single goal: to make herself be loved.

Love is a funny thing to her, it feels like most of the time it's her enemy, yet she wants the enemy close to her.

Iwaizumi isn't sure how to love either. He doesn't love her, he thinks, he likes her. Those are two completely different things, the gap between love and liking is too big, a level one to a thousand type of gap. For loving something means giving everything you have for it , it that you can't live without. And he has lived a whole life without Y/N, so he doesn't love her. But he likes her, likes looking at her, talking to her, being close to her.

They are next to strangers, yet both find an odd comfort next to each other.

"Then what is it?" She asks, a little ashamed. Her cheeks turn red from embarrassment as she becomes self-aware of the situation. Taking rejection well has never been a skill she possessed, "Why?" Her voice becomes tinier.

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