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Hey! I decided to start writing another story! I hope you'll like it❤️❤️

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Walking my way down from the big white house, my knees felt jelly and my butt hurts like hell. I rub it with my hand before hopping into my car.

He was harsh....more than others, and the toys he had scared me. That harness he had for me was a bit too much with the handcuffs and the whip... It wasn't necessary...

But I have my money, I'm not complaining.

I started the car and drove over to the café I often go to after my 'meetings'. It is in the middle of New York so I drove for a while

I turned my radio on and started singing Heat Waves from Glass Animals. Singing the life out of me I ended up dancing in my seat while waiting for the traffic light to turn green and trying to ignore a look someone was giving me from the car next to me.

The song ended and I received a call from an unknown number on my cell phone. I put on a sweet smile and pick it up. Turning it on the speaker I saw the traffic light turn green.

"Hello, Haley on the phone, how can I help you, baby," I said and cringe at my voice. Turning right and stopping at another red light. I scrunched my eyebrows when no one talks to me back

"Hello?" I asked and put the phone closer to my ear

"hey, love. What about you and me at my place tonight?" The deep English accent asked me and I felt chills down my spine almost immediately

"I-um, I can't tonight sorry, honey. What about tomorrow?" I felt nervous to speak to such a strong voice

"you sure you can't tonight, darling? I'll pay you some extra" he asked and I bit my lip.

I promised Ellie to be with her tonight. We'd have girls' night at home, watching fairytales and eating ice cream with chocolate

"So?" His hoarse voice asked again. I was hesitant and leaned my head against my seat. I already feel wetness in my panties at his voice

He says he'll pay extra. That would be enough for me to pay the bill for this month and even for much more

"Can I call you right back, babe? I have to make some call" I said in a sweet voice and pulled up towards the café

"No problem, I'll be waiting," he said and I thanked him silently and hung up to call Mickey. His name's Michael but I have called him Mickey ever since we met

"Yo, yo, yo babe, what's up?" He answered after a few rings. I smiled at his energy-ness "hey Mickey, could you please pick up Ellie from school today and babysit her for tonight? I have a job calling me" I said and sighed

I was excited about my well-deserved time with my little love.

"Sure thing, babe. How does he sound?" He teased me and I laughed and rolled my eyes. I got out of the car and sat at my usual table

"Uhh, you should hear him, he sounds like a Greeks god" I heard him laugh at the other side of the phone

"Be sure you have a gun with you, Hun. And be careful, he may sound like a Greeks god but can be just some creep" he told me and I nodded

"Don't worry, and thank you for Ellie, I owe you. Love you, bye" I said and ordered the latte and some cake

"You will tell me how he was later, and about that guy, you were with a while ago, too. Love you too, bye" he said and I chuckled and hung up

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