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Short last chapter 💀💀


An annoying beeping sound woke me up from my dream. I sighed and slowly opened my eyes to be face to face with the daylight.

I frowned and closed my eyes again burying my head into the crook of Tom's neck to stop the light that is across the whole room from annoying me more than it already did

I heard Tom's chuckle as he wrapped his hands around my waist and hugged me tightly. I smirked whispering "good morning" into his ear before kissing his neck. Bitting and sucking everything that caused him to moan

His grip on my hips tightened as he squeezed them and pulled me closer to him if it was even possible. I traveled upper on his jaw where I felt a little day hair here and there.

I smirked and bit his skin before directing my lips to his mouth. He without hesitation kissed me back and trailed his hands down my jeans to grip my ass.

I sighed and bit his lip as I sat upon his lap to feel a hard something pressed against me. I bit my lips and looked at the door. I hope no one will walk in here at this early hour. I said to myself as I took off his sweatpants and looked at him seductively

He licked his lips and sat up to kiss me and unbuckle my belt. I smirked into the passionate kiss we were sharing and took off his shirt before he took off mine. I stood up from him to take off my jeans but before that, I pulled a little object from the back pocket

He parted his lips and smirked as he looked at what I was holding before he patted his lap and motioned for me to sit on him. I bit my lip and took off his boxers and slide them off his legs before taking off my panties

I took him into my mouth a few times before sliding on the condom and sitting on him. I was already wet so it wasn't hard for him to slide into me.

I moaned quietly as he groaned and held my both thighs tightly. When I raised my body and put my hands on his stomach for support, he grabbed my hips unexpectedly and sat me hard on him

I moaned and lay my chest on his and moved my hips to slide out and into him, his hands were placed on my butt helping me to reach a faster pace and my hips slapped hard against his

"Oh I hope they don't have cameras in the rooms," I said out of breath and kissed him on the lips passionately. He responded and slide my hips back and forth causing my clitoris to rub against his body

I moaned into the kiss and bit his lip before pulling away and turning around for him to have a perfect view of my bare ass. He slapped me with his hand and that send hard shivers down my spine. I moaned and rested my hands on his legs for support continuing to slap my ass against his hard member

"Turn around, princess. I want to see your face as you come" Tom's deep husky voice said which caused another wave of shivers to trail through my body

I turned to face him and at that moment, Tom turned me around and positioned him in between my legs before thrusting into me hard that I had to cover my mouth

He leaned down and sucked on my neck before fastening his moves and whispering hot words into my ear "come on, baby girl, come for me" his deep voice said that caused me to moan and clench my walls around him

He groaned as his hips moved at that fast pace that I can't understand how he does that, but it causes me to come every time and today's no exception. I opened my mouth wide as Tom looked straight into my face absorbing my every expression before I come hard and arched my back

He continued on his pace before he slow down and groaned and felt on my sweaty chest "fuck I missed you" he cursed and that caused me to clench my walls around him again

He chuckled and kissed my lips "I love the affected I still have on you" he whispered before slipping off me not really wanting anyone to see us two naked

He took off the condom and threw it into the bin before handing me my clothes. I smiled at him and slip it on as he slipped on his own.

Just as we finished, the old nurse came into the room with some paper in her hand. When she raised her head she smiled at us "ah, you're awake that's great. You're able to leave Mr. Holland but we recommend to you to hire some doctor who will be there with you if something happens" the nurse said and hand him the paper and the pen

Tom smiled at her and sign the paper before handing the pen back to the nurse "It's always great to do business with you, Mr. Holland" the nurse said and hand him the black card. I remember him handing it to the receptionist when I had an outstretched wrist

"You too" He replied and took the card from her. She smiled at me as she left before closing the door shut "come on let's pack your things we're coming home!" I screamed happily and jumped towards him and ending in his arms hugging him

He laughed at my childish behavior and hugged me tightly "gosh I love you so much" he screamed and picked me up to turn me around. I giggled and held on to him tighter "I love you too" I kissed his lips many times before he put me down on the floor

"Let's get you home my prince"

The end


The next update never...well yeah I already wrote some bonus chapter but it's nothing serious. I guess I'll post it if this story reaches 15k reads if it'll ever happen tho...

Also sorry for the short chapter but my readers already know that I sometimes end the story with a short sex scene so...😂❤️

I wanted to thank my bestie who was always with me the whole time, supporting me and cheering every time the main characters did something nasty😏😂😂❤️ Nah I'm kidding you know I love you Rose 🌹💞

And a big thank you is directed to y'all people, readers, haters, my fans, whatever you call yourself for so much support by voting, commenting, following, and adding to your reading lists! It helps a lot to get the story to more people who would like it ❤️

Alright, I guess this is my goodbye... No Vanessa don't cry! Crap...... I love you so much guys hope you like my book when you actually reached the end but whatever

Yeah, I have to end this before I cry my eyes out. Again thank you and see you at my other books

Also, I have 7 other books you would like so don't hesitate and go read them!!❤️❤️

I'll also start posting the new book that I was writing and it's already finished by the way. It's something different that this story 😌❤️

Love you

1258 words

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