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After thirty minutes of flying in the helicopter, Ellie who was squeaking all the time while looking out the window, me who was deep in thoughts, and Mike who tried to distract me by doing weird faces like he's a little kid but it did distract me for a second before reality swallowed me

All the thoughts about Tom. Is he okay? Harrison never called since my breakdown. What if Tom won't survive? What if he will die? No! I can't have these thoughts or it'll really happen

I closed my eyes shut and rested my head on the seat behind me. I just hope he is okay...

When we finally arrived on the top roof of the hospital, we thanked the pilot and get out before walking towards the single door that was leading down to the hospital

We opened them and walked a few stairs down before opening another door that lead to the main hallway. We took an elevator and pressed the floor that the pilot told us to go to

As we walked out of the elevator, we searched for room 342 which we found quickly. I took a deep breath and looked at Mike, he smiled at me and nodded. I smiled back and kissed Ellie's head before turning the handle and opening the door

I slowly and carefully walk in to see Harrison and an old couple sitting there. They all looked at me but Harrison was the first who stood up and hugged me

I looked behind Haz's shoulder and saw Tom's lying body on the bed, I immediately started shaking. I covered my mouth with my hand and held the tears back

Harrison noticed my shakiness and held me tighter while whispering sweet nothings into my ear. He is good at calming me down

I stopped shaking but the nervousness in my stomach grow. I pulled away and the old couple immediately stood up and looked at me sadly but managed to smile

I walked towards them "you must be Mrs. and Mr. Holland right?" I looked them in the eyes while they nodded. The next thing I know is Mrs. Holland hugging me to death but I didn't care because I hugged her back tightly

After a few seconds, we pulled away and smiled at each other "please call me Nikki and this is my husband Dom" I shook my hand with Dom and bit my lip preparing to see Tom closer

They all left the room which I thanked them for and sat at the seat beside his bed and squeezed his hand lightly. He had pink skin and his hand was bandaged. He looks so peaceful when he's just laying and breathing

I sobbed and let the tears down my cheeks "hey" I whispered and pull the hair that was in his eyes away "I miss you. You have to come back, Tommy I won't survive without you" I said and wiped the tears in my eyes "my parents are gone, I won't let you die just like that, sweetheart. You'll die when we will be old and wrinkled for you to finally get rid of me but until then, I won't let you die even if you'd want to" I chuckled lightly

"I love you, just don't leave me" I whispered and kissed his lips lightly. No response. I sobbed and sat back on the chair stroking his hand with my palm "I won't leave you until you wake up, I promise...

A week later

"Charlotte you should eat something, you haven't eaten in four days already," Mickey said and put his hands on my shoulders. I shook my head and looked back at Tom

I can't leave him, I have to be here when he wakes up. I leave him just twice a day when I go to the toilet but nothing more. Harrison or Mike always bring me some water but that's all

"Char please, he would want you to eat," Mike said and I looked at him with big eyes. He's right, Tom would want me to eat something. He wouldn't want me to starve for food every minute. But I just don't want to eat, I have no appetite but I am hungry

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