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"you have what?!" Mickey's voice shouted into the phone. I pulled my phone away from my ear before putting it back

"Outstretched wrist" I rolled my eyes and looked at my hand "how long?" He wondered "three days" I mumbled under my breath

"You have an outstretched wrist for three days and didn't bother to mention it when we were calling almost every day?" He asked angrily

"I'm sorry babes I just forgot" trying the babe's card on him I heard him sigh on the other side of the phone

"Does it hurt?" He gave up and I immediately smiled "not at all. Can we meet up, please? Tom is on some business trip and I'm bored as hell" I begged him

"It's Friday so yeah why not. You want me to come over or to some club?" Mike asked and I snorted "I'm stuck in here for already three fucking days Mickey! Take me to some club I'll somehow sneak out" I ordered and Mickey laughed

"Alright be there by 7, love you" I checked my watch "love you too. Bye" I said and hung up

I have more than 3 hours to do something with my hair and that horrible smell of my body


I carefully slide the splint off my wrist and hissed. Okay, I might hurt a bit...

Hopping into the shower I finally washed that smell off of me and managed to wash my hair. I also shave after a WEEK

After 45 minutes of showering, I jumped out and blow-dried my hair, and put on some makeup

I decided that I'll take the splint with me. I want to heal as fast as possible and I don't want to risk anything at the club

I put on the black thigh dress and let my hair straight down.

When I checked my outfit in the mirror, I already heard my phone ring.

I quickly picked it up and sat on my bed "I'm here. How do you want to sneak out, it's a mension" Mickey's voice said and I laughed

"I have my ways don't you worry," I said and hung up

I lastly check if Ellie is asleep before going down the stairs. I sneaked to the window in the corner and quietly opened it

Then I jump out of it with my black heels in my hands and closed the window so no one would sneak in

I run over to Mickey's car and jumped in it before putting my heels on "fancy seeing you here" Mike teased and I rolled my eyes

"I am here, right? So shut the fuck up and drove to that club already, I'm thirsty" I ordered and Mikey laughed and started the car

Just as we entered the club there were a lot of drunk people making out or passed out on the floor

I and Mike made our way towards the bar and sat on the chairs "hey beautiful, what can I offer to you?" The handsome bartender asked and I immediately put on a seductive smile

"Can I please get Sex on the beach" I winked at him and he immediately smirked "sure, love. Anything else? It's on the house" he stated and I clenched my fist winningly

I looked over at Mike who was grinning at me "beer for my friend, please" I smiled and look the brown-headed bartender in the eyes

"I'm on it," he said and started making my drink while handing Mickey his beer "thanks" Mike thanked me and I grinned "it was my honor" I teased and he laughed

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