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Someone grab my hand and took me to some dark room

I panicked. Reaching for the gun behind my belt, I turned the light on and pointed the gun and the guy who stuck me here

I breathed out heavily when I saw Tom standing in front of me with his hands in the air in surrender but smirking

I put the gun back behind my belt and looked at Tom "I'm sorry I thought you were someone from the gang or something, sorry I panicked" I said and buried my face into my hands

I guess it is too much for me at the moment. Moving, the gang, and him, I don't know him and I'm sharing a house with him. This is how college feels like?

I felt Tom moving my hands from my face. I looked into his eyes and didn't see fear or shock. I saw lust

He moved closer to me and stuck his lips on mine. I sighed and put my hands behind his neck before kissing him back "you're so hot with that gun" he mumbled into my lips and squeezed my hips

I bit his lip which caused him to moan deeply. I rolled my eyes back in pleasure and swung my legs around his torso

He pinned me against the wall and his both hands moved to my cheeks. I stuck my tongue into his mouth and fought for dominance. I was always dominant but I guess I'm not with him

He bit my lip in a warning way and moved to something that looked like a bench with some kind of leather on it. It was comfy

I reached down to take off his black t-shirt while he took off my sweatshirt and took the gun from my waist and put it carefully on the ground

"Now I want you," he said. Those words caused my back to arch. I moaned and he kissed my bare stomach and undid my jeans before throwing them on the ground. I was left just in my panties and bra so I sat up and took off his jeans.

He walked out of them and stand me up. Just now I saw that we're at the gym.

He grip my cheeks with one hand and kissed me again. His and my tongue moved in sync

He gripped my ass and squeezed it and that turned me on like nothing in my life. I pulled his hair and his hands moved to take off my bra.

He did and threw it in the corner of the room and squeezed my boobs with both of his hands.

I moaned into the kiss and slide my hand down his chest and stomach into his boxers. He moaned and pinned my both hands against the wall before licking and sucking my tits

I arched my back and groaned at the feeling and he let go of my hands and kneel to take off my panties

He kissed his way down my stomach and then to my core. I moaned and reached my hand to grip his hair tightly

He continued his work before pulling away from me and walking to some shelf. He picked a condom from it and tore it with his lips

I bit my lip when he took off his boxers and I saw his whole naked body.

He walked towards me and slip the condom on his full erection and picked up one of my legs and wrap it around his torso

I put my hands on his shoulders and kissed him roughly. He bit my lip and at the same time entered me with his big erection

I pulled away from the kiss and moaned in pleasure. He started kissing my chest as I start to feel him sliding in and out of me

I feel he grew up in me every time he slides in. He grab my ass and I wrapped my other leg around his waist

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