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The next day was casual. Me driving Ellie to school. Doing some shopping at the mall and buying some new clothes for me and sis. I tried to put other things into my head than just the thought of me and my sister being in danger 

When I arrived home I made lunch and decided that it was time to pick Ellie up from school.

I took my bag and put the gun in it this time, and took my coat. When I was about to open the door, I heard the doorbell rang

I scrunched my eyebrows and opened the door to see the two men from yesterday in leather jackets and sunglasses. I  noticed Ellie standing in front of them, smiling at me

I quickly took her by her hand and bring her closer to me away from the two men "you didn't tell me you have such funny friends, Char! They offered me a ride and turn on the radio so I can sing!" She said excitedly but I didn't take my eyes off of them

"Go to your room, honey. I'll be right back" I gave her a tight smile. She nodded and left for her room, probably to do some homework

"you shouldn't keep her waiting in front of the school, Charlotte," one of the men said and I gritted my teeth 

"what do you want?" I said and put my hand into my bag, looking for a gun.

I found it and held it by the trigger just in case. "We just wanted to warn you" the man smiled at me "you should be more careful," the other man said and they both left. There was a snake sign on their backs

I shut my doors and breathed out heavily.

They could do anything to Ellie but they didn't. They could've just kidnap her and never given her back, or even worse

I felt the tears in my eyes. I sobbed and took off my coat. I ran into Ellie's room and smiled at her

I wipe my tears and kneel in front of her. She looked at me with her big confused eyes "what's up, Char" she said and I pitched her cheek

"Never drive with men you've never seen before okay honey? Didn't I tell you that before?" I squeezed hand

"Yes but they said you are their friend and they looked kind" I saw Ellie was on the edge of crying

"It's okay sissy. You are okay don't cry. Just don't do it again, never" She nodded with tears in her eyes 

"Pack all of your things, we're going to my friend's house for a while okay?" I winked "it'll be fun, and he has a pool and the cinema," I said and really hoped it was true

She smiled at me and nodded before started packing her stuff into her suitcase

I walked into my room, grabbed my phone, and dialed his number. 

He picked up almost immediately and I couldn't keep myself together anymore. My stomach tightened from nerves. I had to sit on my bed and hold my side to keep breathing

"Tom" sob "they took my sister from school and give her a ride home. I-I....they could've done anything to her but they bring her home. Can you..." Sob "is that offer still standing?" I asked and wiped my tears

"Of course it is. I'll go pick you up, princess. Be there in 15" Tom said and I said a silent thank you and hung up.

I started to pack my things. Once I was almost done, I heard the doorbell ring. I ran to the door and looked through the peephole before opening them

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