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I was sitting with Ellie in the dining room eating breakfast when my phone suddenly buzzed

I put the spoon full of cereals back into the bowl and pulled my phone out of my back pocket. I looked at the caller's ID and immediately frowned when I saw Mickey's name on it

I declined the call and put the phone on the table before starting eating again. When the phone buzzed again I almost groaned but controlled myself and wanted to decline it again but before I could, Ellie took my phone into her little tiny hands and answered the call

"Hello Mickey, how are you?" She said excitedly and grinned. I wanted to take the phone from her but I could say that she misses him

"I'm fine too. Why won't you come over today? Char is going on a date with Tom and I don't want to be alone" she whispered the last sentence and I rolled my eyes and took the phone from her hand and put it next to my ear

"Mike, that's not a good idea, okay?" I sighed. I saw the frown on Ell's face but it quickly turned into a grin when I kissed her head and winked at her. I walked out of the dining room and skipped up the stairs to my room while Ellie was still eating happily

"Char, please. I miss you. I want to see you and hug you" I heard the sob on the other side "I hate when you're mad at me. I can't live with the idea of you hating me forever for what I did" he begged and I felt my own eyes tearing up

"I miss you too" I whispered and sat on my bed. Wiping the tears on my cheeks.

It's been four days of me not saying a word to Mike. We are used to talk every day and hanging out. Ellie told me she misses him so much. Even Tom asked why I don't talk to him. My answer was 'he kept a secret from me' when Tom asked further I just didn't answer and started a new topic

"So can I come tonight and babysit Ellie? I come a little bit earlier to see you, okay?" He asked softly and sobbed again. I nodded and wipe my tears "okay" I agreed and sighed

"Be here in two okay?" I asked and calmed my tears down "I'll be there, I promise" he said and I then ended the call

Sitting on my bed with my eyes closed for a little longer, I finally decided to go back to Ellie and finish my breakfast

I walked down the stairs but stopped when I heard voices from the dining room

"Come on just one last spoon, munchkin. Do it for sissy" the familiar voice pouted and I immediately smiled and slowly walked into the room to see Tom sitting next to Ellie with the spoon in his hand

"Good morning," he said softly when his eyes met mine "morning," I said quietly and smiled at him.

His smile faded when he saw my puffy red eyes but he didn't bring it up in front of my sister which I'm glad for.

Tom moved the spoon in front of Ellie's mouth and glared at her fake murderously. She giggled and took the spoon into her mouth. Tom grinned immediately and put the spoon into the empty bowl afterward

He then kissed her head before standing up and taking the bowl to the kitchen. "I like him" she whispered to me as I was finishing my cereals. I chuckled and look at her

"I'm happy that you do, honey" I ruffled her hair and she frowned but giggled and adjusted her hair back into its normal position

"So what you wanna do today, munchkin?" Tom asked when he walked back to the dining room and sat Ellie on his lap

She giggled and leaned against his chest "can we play hide and seek again? I liked it when you hide into the pool yesterday" she giggled and Tom immediately chuckled

I had no idea they were playing some games together. Guess I was so into my thoughts to even notice

"Sure thing. But don't hide into the pool like me the bottom is too deep something could've happened to you" she nodded and grinned "You want me to hide first or should I count?" He asked her and put his chin on her shoulder. She giggled again, put her palm on Tom's face, and pushed him away.

I almost burst out of laughter shouting 'rejected' but keep myself together and just smiled "I want to hide" she said and jumped off his lap and run to hide somewhere in the house

Tom sighed and look at me. When he saw my face, he chuckled and wipe the cereal in the corner of my lips, I didn't even know it is there and put it into his mouth

"I didn't know you're that close with my sister" I admitted and put the spoon into the bowl "she's funny. And reminds me of you" he chuckled and stand up in front of me

He eyed the bowl and shifted in a little into the middle before grabbing my hips and putting me on the table. I parted my lips and looked at him

He looked down at my legs and spread them before looking into my eyes. Moving his body in between my legs and grabbing my both thighs, he leaned down and press his forehead against mine

We had our little staring contest before he suddenly let go of my thighs and took one of my hands in his and put it right on his heart

I immediately felt his fast heartbeat. My eyes widened as I listened to it a little longer. It stayed in its fast rhythm

"Do you feel that?" He asked in a whisper and put the piece of my hair behind my ear with his other hand, the one that is not holding my hand against his chest

"That's because of you" he looked into my eyes "every time you're near me. When you look at me. Whenever you smile at me. When you touch me" he looked in between my eyes like he didn't know into which he should look "this is all I can feel. My breath quicken and my heartbeat is as fast as bunnies when they're fucking" he said and I laughed softly and looked down

Even in serious situations...

He took my chin by his hand and raise my head. Looking at my smiling lips before looking into my eyes

"You are the one I want to have kids with. The one I want to marry. The one I want to spend my whole life with. And I'll wait for you until you feel the same, even if I'd have to wait to time when we are old and wrinkled" I chuckled and he smiled and stroked my cheek with his thumb "I could wait for you for the rest of my life and I wouldn't regret it" he whispered and I felt tears in my eyes

I sobbed quietly as the single tear escaped my eye. He quickly wipe it away with his thumb and kissed me in between my eyebrows

"I'll wait for you" he whispered before kissing my lips softly. I hesitated but kissed him back and moved my both hands to his cheeks leaning into him.

His hands moved to my back as he pressed himself into me as much that there wasn't any space in between us

After a minute he pulled away, breathing heavily. I moved my hand to his chest and listened to his heartbeat with my eyes closed. I felt him smile before he took my hand and slide it down his chest and stomach to his hard crotch

I laughed as he did and shook my head "Imma man, I have my needs" he teased and I laughed. He pecked my lips again before kissing me all over my face ending on my forehead

After a few seconds, he pulled away and smiled at me "I should probably go to look for your sister. Hope she didn't find my sex cave" he said and I widened my eyes shocked

"Your what?" I asked with a grin on my face, excited and surprised at the same time. His eyes widened as he realized what he just said "my what? No I didn't say anything. Well, I have to go, princess, bye" he waved at me as he was in the doorframe, already leaving. Acting like he didn't just confess his feelings for me a few minutes ago

I rolled my eyes and looked around. I promise you. I'm gonna find that room even if my life depends on it. And I'll keep that promise...


Next update 18th Mar

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Love you

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