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"Tell me who the fuck it is and why he wants my Charlotte dead!" I shouted at one of Snake's members. We found him sneaking out around my house a few minutes ago. Now he's tied up to the chair in the basement

"I won't tell you anything, dickhead" the guy laughed into my face and I lost my shit and hit him in the face. He opened his mouth to stretch his jaw before splitting the blood at my shoes

"Tell me or I'll kill you slowly and painfully. That much that you'll beg me to kill you" I warned him and pick the knife from my belt

"I would never beg you for anything" he hissed and I clenched my jaw and stabbed him to the back of his palm. He groaned and tried to pull his hand away but he just get more into the knife

I let the knife in his hand and the chair and took out another one, playing with it between my fingers "so... do your mouth can talk already?" I asked and threw the knife in the air just to catch it, looking at him

When he didn't even speak, I last threw the knife into the air before catching it and stabbing it into his other hand. He shouted from pain and closed his eyes shut

"So?" I raised my brow taking out another knife "he found out that you love Charlotte and wants her even more. I don't think he wants to just kill her. He wants to abuse her and so much more things because he knows that it'll hurt you the most" he hissed and looked at me.

I clenched my jaw and looked him in the eyes searching for some hint of a lie but there wasn't any "what's his name" I hissed into his face but he just chuckled "I'd rather die" he hissed back

I licked my lips and take out the knives from his hands. He hissed in pain but before he could shut his mouth I took the gun from my waist and shoot him right into the middle of his head

His head rested on the back of the chair helplessly as I put the gun back into its case and turned around, looking at my men. They all had poker faces "Henry" I looked at the youngest member of our gang

He joined us when his parents died a few months ago. Henry immediately walked towards me and looked at me. He's just 17 so he'll be the best choice "take his jacket, you're gonna sneak into their gang and find out who their leader is"

His eyes widened for a second but he covered it with a simple nod and he then took the black jacked off the dead guy's body and put it on

"I'll be back when I'll find out" he nodded and walked out of the room towards the door "clean it up I have to do something," I said and looked at my men. They nodded and walked towards the laying guy


I woke up a few minutes ago. Tom wasn't next to me so I decided to walk downstairs and do something for breakfast.

As I walked down the stairs I heard some footsteps from the hallway. Thinking it'll be Tom, I sprinted down to see a young guy with a black leather jacket on. He turned towards the door to leave and I spotted the snake sign on his back

Widening my eyes I opened my mouth and shouted my lungs out. The boy turned towards me and widened his eyes when he saw me grabbing the lamp from the table still shouting.

He put his hand in front of him in defense and in that moment Tom appeared in front of me his chest raised quickly from running "Char put it down he's with us" Tom said and carefully taking the lamp from me and putting it on the table again

My eyes haven't left the strangers ones as I scrunched my eyebrows finally taking what Tom just said "y-you're talking to a Snake?" I stuttered and widened my eyes in shock

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