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I rang a bell in the massive dark house. The windows were bigger than my hallway and the house looked bigger than the whole building I'm living in.

The door was opened after a few seconds by a handsome boy, he looked my age. Brown curly hair, brown eyes, freckles on his cheeks

I smiled at him and walked inside while taking off my coat. "I'm sorry I'm late. New York's traffic you kno-" I wanted to finish my sentence but the cutie already pinned me against the wall and kissed me

He's the type of guy who wants to be finished as soon as possible. The huge horny one. Ain't judging just saying 

I sighed and was surprised but kissed him back immediately with my hands around his neck. His hands were squeezing my sides

He isn't a bad kisser tho, just harsh with his tongue around mine

Just keep going Charlotte. Just a few moments and you'll have your money and leave

"Hey!" I heard someone shout. We both pulled away and looked in the direction of the hottest guy I've ever seen in my life

His curly brown hair and brown eyes, his sharp jawline and body that I'd love to lick everywhere. Whoa, okay. Maybe too into details

I cleared my throat and smiled at the man "Harry, how many times have I told you that she's here for me and not for you? Call your own one" I saw the man rolling his eyes and the boy who was kissing me seconds later was now a few meters away from me, I could say he!s maybe a little scared of his brother 

I locked my eyes with the hottie and he winked at me "come on, I show you my room" he uttered and I nodded and picked up my things

I silently handed Harry my business card and winked at him. He smirked and slapped my butt as I was following the man upstairs. Easy peasy 

"So what's your name, babe" I wondered when I finally get behind him. 

"As soon as you tell me your real name, I tell you mine. But till then, you can call me sir or Mr. Holland" he smirked at me and I blushed

No one ever did care about my real name. No one even realized that Hayley isn't my real name. Everyone wanted just that one thing

"So Holland, huh? You have a sexy surname" I smirked and he chuckled

"if you say so love" he stated and I blushed again

What's up with me and the blushing thing? I've never in my life blushed at 'meetings'

"Here it is" I heard him say and I raised my head to see him opening the big wooden door

"This is your room?" I asked and looked around the room that is bigger than my whole flat 

"uhuh it is my house actually, so" He turned around to look at me. I nodded and observed his room again

"do you have any special requirements?" I asked and put my stuff on the chair next to his desk. There were some interesting papers on it.

I leaned down to look at it but his hands grip my sides and turn me around. My hands ended up on his chest

"Just show me what you got" he whispered and smirked at me. I blushed again and looked down at my black heels

Why do I feel so unsure around him? Most often I am confident and just jump on the guy straight but now, I'm nervous and shy

I felt his hand on my chin that raised my head to look into his eyes "you want me to start?" He asked gently and leaned his forehead against mine

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