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No way in hell will I let happen the same thing that happened 9 years ago...

I opened the room door to bump into some chest. My breath hitched but calmed when I saw Jackson, one of Tom's men, standing in front of me

"Charlotte where are you going? Go and hide somewhere!" He said and pushed me back into the room "no I want to help!" I shouted back and wanted to walk around him but I heard a loud shot and Jackson who suddenly lost his balance and fell right on the floor beside me

I shouted and widened my eyes when I saw a guy with a gun in his hand and a hole in Jackson's back. "I have her, " the scary guy said and held onto his ear probably speaking to someone

I had my gun hide behind my back so he didn't see it until I pull it out and pointed it at him before pressing the trigger, closing my eyes, and shooting him right into his chest. He fell on the floor next to Jackson and I fought the urge to run towards my sister and tell her everything is okay

I'm not gonna risk someone will find her...

I closed my eyes shut. I just killed someone. Oh my god, I'm gonna go to hell. Would police said it was defending or a murder?

I shake my head from the not applicable questions and run down the stairs when I heard shouting and shooting. Oh my god please be good, please be good. I said to myself as I run down the stairs with the gun in my hand

Some people were pointing their guns at each other and shouting some swears. I sneaked out behind the strangers who didn't recognize me and saw the snake signs on their backs. I widened my eyes and covered my mouth from sighing.

Tom stole a glance at me and his face immediately hardened. He was in front of all his men who were pointing their guns at the men in front of them.

"Where is Chase he said he got her" some of the guys slurred and the other just shrugged "I don't know it's been two minutes already," the other one said

Are they that blind to not see me behind them? I looked at Tom and when we made eye contact, I nodded. Tom immediately shook his head and clenched his jaw

There were probably 8 strangers and 9 people from Tom's gang. Some people were laying on the ground not moving at all. I closed my eyes shut telling myself that they were just stunned or asleep

I glanced at Tom and backed away a little before I hit the hard chest with my back. I widened my eyes. I know I am out of Tom's sign right now so he can't tell where am I

I gripped the gun with my hand and slowly turned around to be face to face with someone's chest. The man was wearing a black leather jacket over a black shirt and black pants with the gun in his hand

I swallowed nervously and looked up and widened my eyes. I shook my head and backed away from him but he catch my hand from doing so

"J-John?" I looked into his eyes with the fear in my own ones

He smirked and pressed me against his chest "well hello Hayley how are you?" He tilted his head to the side. I gritted my teeth and looked around to see no one. No one.

I shrug him over and pointed my gun at him "oh should I be scared?" He chuckled and pointed his gun at me lazily "it's probably just mockup Tom gave you" he smirked and step closer to me

I pointed the gun at the floor and without taking my eyes off him, I pressed the trigger which caused the gun to shoot to the floor leaving a hole in there

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