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"You have an outstretched wrist ms Clain," the doctor told me and I immediately frowned.

"I give you this splint and you come back in two weeks to see how is it going. Okay?" He asked and I nodded doing my best to not roll my eyes at him

I hate splints and I hate when I have something broken. Because my mind thinks that I can't protect my sister anymore

Smiling at the doctor politely I pick up my things and made my way towards the door

Tom was sitting in the waiting room and immediately stood up when he saw me

"Outstretched" I fake smiled at him and he gave a me pity look "anything else he told you?" He asked and I shrugged "'I'll give you this splint' 'come back in two weeks'" I imitated the doctor and rolled my eyes

"Come on let's go home" Tom took my hand in his and lead the way towards the parking lot to his car

"Thanks for bringing me here tho..." I thanked him and look down.

Tom unlocked the car and looked at me "no problem, princess" he smiled and opened the door for me

He helped me with the seatbelt even though I told him that I can do it myself

I smelled his hair again. It was the same scent I smelled for the first time. It smelled something like lavender.

"You good?" Tom's voice brought me back from my daydream.

I fake smiled at him and nodded my head "good" he said almost just for himself and closed the door

"You hungry?" Tom asked and I nodded widely "okay" he laughed and started the car

"Is McDonald's drive-through good for you?" I nodded again and he smiled and nodded

After our peaceful silence, we finally made it to McDonald's. We ordered the order as Tom paid for both of us winking at me....ah this guy...

When we got our food Tom put it in his and my lap and rested his hand on my thigh till we reach some unfamiliar destination

"Where are we?" I asked curiously and looked around "the place I'm always going to think and rest" he smiled at me and I returned his smile before getting out of the car, bringing the food with me

When I got out I saw the big cliff and water behind it. Never I thought in my life that something like this is in New York

"How did you find it?" I looked behind me to see him close to my body, more than I was prepared to

"I used to live here when I was younger. Me and my friends always went here and jump out of the cliff right into the water" he chuckled sweetly and I smiled at him

We sat down on the border of cliff and sea "what about your family?" He asked suddenly and I choked on my hamburger

Once he patted me on my back I calmed down and bit my lip "you already know" I shrugged and looked at the sea

"You told me just one thing. Don't you have some good memories with them?" He rested his hand on mine and I immediately pulled my hand away

I saw hurt in his eyes but I tried to ignore it and looked at my food "My parents were amazing people full of happiness and joy. We always used to go to the cinema and watch old movies every Saturday. I never get the point of the movies, I was 10 or so... " I put the nugget into my mouth

"But always when I looked to the side to my parents, they always cuddle and looked really happy together. They were high school sweethearts and were together for 15 years" I shook my head and smiled

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