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"fuck" I mumbled as I saw the big spot on the bedsheets. I took a little nap in my room and forgot to change my tampon before that.

I groaned and went to the bathroom to do my business before trying to clear the red spot on the bed. Thank god there were sheets so I can wash them but there was a little spon under it on the mattress

I tried to clean it up and when the spot faded I just turn the mattress around and put on the new sheets. No one will realize anything...

After our breakfast, we just watched movies with me, Ellie, Tom, and his brothers. I saw Paddy talking to Ellie again do I think they will be friends

Harry was deep into the movie and his twin Sam was always on his phone scrolling on something. Tom and I sat next to each other, he put his hand around my shoulder and we sat there until lunch

I just finished cleaning the dirty bedsheets when Tom walked into the room looking at me with a smile on his face. I smiled back and hung the sheet on the cord which was on the balcony to dry it

"Why did you wash it. The maids could do it, that's why I have them" Tom said as he looked at me confused. I just shrugged and smiled at him again

He seem to shake it off when he nonchalantly walked up to me and kissed my lips softly. I sighed in surprise and hesitated before kissing him back

During that time I've lived with him, we often made out or even had sex. Thrice....but I still don't know my feelings for him. He is good at 'making love' and all, I enjoy it a lot but I just don't think I have some deep feelings for him

He is attractive and kind, handsome, and cares for me and sissy and it seems like he loves his family and his job. He can shoot, that is very attractive and I'm not talking about the way he's kissing

He is the best kisser I've ever had a chance to meet. He can kiss me slow and emotionally but he can kiss me hungrily and be passionate about it, his little sweet pecks he's giving me or even just a kisses on the head when I'm going to sleep. But the best kisses he's giving me are the kisses on the neck. He always finds my sweet spot quickly and knows what he can do or not to make me feel good.

(A/n: did I really just write a whole paragraph about Tom's kisses? I guess I did...)

When the kiss turned into the more passionate one, he lick my lower lip and I opened my mouth immediately. That quick response took him by surprise but he reacted quickly too and picked me up

I don't know what is up with me and my horniess these days especially the days I can't have it

I wrapped my legs around him and he put me on the window sill and held my thighs tightly. I started to feel something in my stomach but not anything good. I guess the painkiller stopped working...

Tom slide his hands under my sweatshirt as his hot hands warmed me up. I love when someone has warm hands it always feel safe to be with them

When he squeezed my hips the pain in my stomach grew into a more painful one as I groaned in pain and accidentally bit Tom's lip hard.

I immediately pulled away with a worried expression and looked at him to see his reaction. His look was shocked, worried, and surprised at the same time

"Tom, I'm so sorry I-I didn't want to, I'm stu-" I wanted to say but he interrupted me with another kiss. A hard one. Our teeth kept knocking against each other as he used his tongue to explore my mouth

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