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It was late at night when I heard some screaming from downstairs

Worried, I took a gun from my nightstand and made my way slowly towards the loud men's voices

Silently making my way down the stairs I stopped when I saw no one in the hallway

I turned my head when I heard the same voices down the hall in the basement

Holding the gun in both of my hands I carefully walked down the hall trying to do as less sounds as possible

When I got closer to the voices I could hear them clearly. They were talking about some package that had to arrive two days ago

I finally reached the door and put my ear to it so I can hear them "tell me where the fuck is it or I swear to god you won't be able to see your parents ever again" I heard the familiar voice warn

"I swear I don't have it, they told me that it arrived successfully," said a scared voice. It sounded like it was a boy maybe 17 years old

I scrunched my eyebrows and press my ear closer to the door "who told you that?" I heard the familiar voice again

"I-I don't know, he had a mask," the scared voice said again "don't fucking bullshit me!" The familiar voice said and I heard the silent click of the gun

I widened my eyes. They couldn't...

"I'm not, sir. I swear I'm not!" Said the boy and I could hear him sob.

He's just a little kid. They shouldn't do anything to him!

"Your last words?" Said some other voice. I didn't recognize this one but it was deep and husky

My eyes started to tear up. Don't do it, Char. Don't you fucking dare!

"No!" I shouted and burst into the door. I looked around to see all guns directing at me

I widened my eyes and threw my gun on the ground before looking at the people in the faces

I recognized almost all of them.

I saw Tom's two brothers Sam and Harry, the guy I always see when I enter the garden, Tom's best friend Harrison, and the guy who was directing his gun at the young boy was Tuwaine

And next to him stand Tom, with his eyes looking at me softly but his jaw was clenched as well as his fists. All of them had black suits on them

I swallowed nervously before opening my mouth "T-Tom he's just a kid. He didn't do anything, just let him go" I sobbed and looked him in the eyes

I saw the boy sighing out of relief. I smiled at him softly

Tom opened his mouth to speak but was interrupted by a gunshot.

I widened my eyes when I saw the little boy who was sitting on the chair now laying on the ground with a hole in his forehead

My lips were shaking and my breath quickened. I clenched my teeth to stop the tears in my eyes and pick my gun from the ground before storming out of the room

"What the actual fuck Tuwaine?! I didn't tell you to fucking kill him, you prick!" I heard Tom shout but I didn't turn around

I quickly skipped up the stairs into Ellie's room. I felt relieved when I saw her peacefully laying on the bed asleep

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