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"Char, please hear me out" Mike begged as he step into the house,

"I said do not go near me anymore how can't you understand? You lied to me for fucking 5 years!" I hit his chest the tears forming in my eyes

He grab both my hands and was careful with my hurt one before leading me towards some room

"Just.hear.me.out," he said, I could see desperation and anger in his voice. I swallowed nervously and crossed my hands over my chest

He closed the door and just now I see we're in the gym "why are we here. Why couldn't we stay at the hall?" I asked worried and looked around

"We're in fucking gang leader's house and I'm working for FBI, what do you think?" He hissed sarcastically and locked the door

"Listen.." he run a hand through his hair "my dad is working for the FBI for 20 years and he wanted me to work with him ever since I was born. After I met you and you told me your past, I told my dad and he tried to solve your case. But the thing is... we never get anyone from the Snake's gang and never knew anything about them" he sat me on the bench and stand in front of me

"After our high school graduation, I went to the police academy and wanted to tell you, I really did. But my father forced me not to because the people you'd talk to in the future would know it too and they could've done bad things to you. So I listened to him, I didn't tell you but it was so fucking hard to keep so big of a secret from you. You are my best friend and I lied to you for five years. You don't know how guilty I felt the whole time

And then, there you told me about your illegal job. You were 18 and I was 21. I finished and graduated college and become an agent. I was told to always tell people the truth and there you were. I couldn't rat on you when I knew you really need the money so I keep it a secret.

But when you told me about Tom... We're trying to get him ever since he started leading the gang, Char. He did a really really bad things to people and he doesn't feel guilty for it. And now you're living with him. We're finally able to get him and judge him. We can find out information about Snake from him, Char. He knows about them and he knows you" he pointed his finger at my chest

"What do you mean he knows me? We know each other for a few days" I scrunched my eyebrows and parted my lips

"Char, his family knew your parents. Your dad was in his gang as well as your mother before they set up some rule about girls in the gang. He knew you for years and keep an eye on you every day since your parents died. He knows everything about you, just didn't tell you anything.

He isn't a good person, Charlotte. And we have to get him and you have to help us to do so" he finished and my eyes closed shut

Feeling the tears already in my eyes and sobbed and shook my head. This is nonsense. My dad wasn't in any gang, as I remember he was always with his family and take care of us

I kissed my teeth "get out" I beg him quietly and swallowed the lump in my throat "Char, please-"

"Get out!" I shouted and looked him in the eyes. The tears were screaming from my eyes as I held my hysterical crying for a little longer

Mike closed his eyes shut and clenched his jaw "don't do any nonsense, okay?" He said but didn't wait for an answer and walked out of the door and hopefully out of the house

I breathed in and out hysterically and walked in circles. Holding my head in my hands my head started to hurt from the tears and pressure

This can't be true, this can't be true. I repeated in my head. I didn't know anything about my family

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