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I walked towards the door when I heard a doorbell ring. Slowly opening the door I lost the ability to breathe for a second when I saw Henry laying on the ground with his neck undercut

I cursed under my breath and looked around only to see some guys speeding off with their car. I looked at Henry's body again and saw a letter placed on his chest

I pick it up and opened it to find a photo of Charlotte that was taken when she was in the hospital a few days ago. I clenched my jaw and read the paper

Look at the beautiful girl of yours...an outstretched wrist huh? The punching bags are bad friends sometimes...your little rat didn't last too long tho, but you really should check all your buddies you call members... Also, Charlotte looked really hot with her grey shorts and red shirt today. I almost didn't control myself


I bailed my hand into a fist as I looked at the paper again. Does the perv think he can masturbate all over my, princess? That prick! I'm gonna kill him soon.

When I heard a loud gasp from behind me, I turned around to see my angel looking at Henry's laying body. I catch her shoulders and directed her head in my eyes

"Look at me, okay. My eyes and my eyes only" I slowly walked away from the door with her still looking into my eyes "you still looking into my eyes? That's good" I smiled at her and closed the living room door sitting her on the couch

When her eyes left mine she looked around before looking back at me. I smiled at her again before kissing her forehead and walking towards the kitchen "Sam there is Henry's body out there could you please call someone to clean it up?" I asked and he nodded and picked up his phone

I come and sat next to Char before sitting her on my lap. Her eyes met mine as she softly smiled "is he dead?" She asked and played with the hem of my shirt. I looked down and slowly nodded

Her breath hitched for a second before she nodded and looked down too, our foreheads connected and eyes closed

"Will this happen to me?" She asked as her voice cracked. I immediately pulled away and opened my eyes, she did the same "why do you think that? Definitely not. Nothing like that will happen to my princess I promise" I slurred and she smiled sadly and nodded.

She looked like she's reconciled with what would happen and that makes me angry "love, do not think that way. You thrust me right? You told me you do. So now listen to me" I said putting both hands on her shoulders "I won't ever let something like that" I nodded towards the main door "happen to you. You are my love and I love you and I'd never let it happen" I said and saw her panicked at the words 'I love you' but she covered it up and nodded still looking down

I sighed and hugged her tightly


I wanted to distract Charlotte from her thoughts for a second so I suggested to her that we could bake something in the kitchen when her sister will be upstairs with her personal teacher. She immediately smiled and nodded and I chuckled at that

So now we're in the kitchen getting the ingredients and some chocolate chips. She decided to make cookies and I didn't complain at all

"Please get eggs from the fridge and also milk," she said when she get the flour and salt. Salt? I blinked a few times before turning towards the fridge and getting the box of milk "how many eggs?" I asked when I put the milk on the counter "6" she smiled at me and I nodded and hand them to her

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