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Wanted to thank you for 3k reads!!❤️

Enjoy the earlier chapter xx


"That was fucking amazing!" I shouted as we walked out of the shooting range. Tom chuckled and wrap his hand around my shoulders "I'm glad you liked it, princess" he kissed my head and walked towards the green car in the parking lot

There was a big yard in the back of the building and we were shooting into everything Tom ordered. I liked watermelons and cars the most, we actually let the car explode

We were standing by the car when Tom stopped me from sitting on the passenger side "you don't wanna drive?" He teased and I grinned immediately running around the car towards him

He hand me the keys but accidentally drop them to the ground "sorry" he muttered when he reached down for them. He was kneeling there for a minute before standing up again, taking me by my lower back and fast-walking me away from the car

"What's wrong?" I asked confused when we stand maybe 20 meters away from the car. Tom looked around before looking down at his keys and pressing the unlock button

Right when he did it, the car exploded in front of our eyes. I jumped out in fright as my eyes widened, and showed my face into Tom's shoulder, gripping onto his shirt tightly

Tom sighed and tilted his head backward before catching me by my waist and surrounding me in a hug to calm me down as my breath was fast as never in my life

I was gripping on him tight, my head on his shoulder and his head pressed against my temple. We stayed like this for a few minutes before Tom picked up his phone and dialed someone's number

We were in the middle of nowhere and no one really recognized that our car just exploded. At least it didn't hurt anyone. But what if I would be sitting in the car? It would explode and we would be dead in place

Did someone do this? Of course, someone had to do it but who? Who would possibly want me or Tom dead-

My thoughts were interrupted by other thoughts as I realized that it was Snake who did it. They found us and put the bomb under the car. That was why Tom took so long to take the keys from the ground, he saw it. And thank god for that. I don't know what would happen with Ellie if he didn't

"Pick us up, they put the bomb under our car," Tom said coldly to the phone before hanging up and sighing loudly bringing his hands to his hair

I looked sadly at him and stand in front of him as I held his hands and put them down looking into his red eyes. I scrunched my eyebrows and pouted

"It was just a car. You don't have to cry for a car, you have plenty of them" I looked in between his eyes trying to calm him down by placing my hands on both of his cheeks stroking them with my thumbs

"It's not the fucking car, Char!" He said and held both of my wrists but was careful with my hurt one "it's you. You could've died if I haven't seen that bomb for fucks sake!" He shouted as I saw tears in his eyes and started feeling tears forming in my own eyes

"I could've lost you," he said under his breath and closed his eyes shut to let two tears escape them "you're not leaving the house ever again" he stated and shook his head "it's too dangerous," he said, and kissed my forehead.

He left his lips there for a few seconds before pulling away and putting his forehead on mine.

I actually don't like the idea of me in the house for god's know how long but if he's saying it's the best option then I'll listen to him and agree with him. At least I'll spend more time with Ellie and Tom and will be safe

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