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"You have something, yet?" I asked Harrison as I tap my thumbs against the table

"No, mate. I believe that we can see the location of their car but I don't understand it as much as Harry did" he said and looked at me "sorry" he apologized for the last part and I nodded and looked at the screen again

"Don't we have someone who understands computers?" He looked at me. I stopped tapping my finger against the table

"Doesn't Barry have technology school?" I asked him and he nodded immediately "okay let's go find him. Call him I'm gonna look for him" he nodded and picked up his phone


"Tom I got it," Barry said as I run up to him and leaned against the table "they're on their way to...." He looked at the screen "us" he said blindly and I clenched my jaw

I'll finally kill him for what he did...

"In what time will be here?" I asked and looked at the screen and a little dot on it

"We have like, hour and a half. They probably picked up some guns and people so we should get ready" Barry said and I patted him on his shoulder

"Thanks," I said before running up the stairs to my room "Char" I looked around to see her on the bed sleeping.

I silently walked towards her and sat on the bed shooking her shoulder lightly "princess" I whispered and stroked her arm

She slowly opened her eyes and smiled at me before seeing my worried expression "what's wrong?" She asked and sat up

I moved my hand to stroke her thigh and bit my lip "Gale, one of my men is a rat and he killed my brothers. He and that John guy and probably more of his gang will be here in an hour and a half" I said and her breath hitched "could you please take Ellie and one of my men you trust and go as far away as possible so he won't hurt you?" My voice cracked at the end

I looked into her eyes and saw her shooking her head "Tom I won't leave you" she said with sad eyes and put one of her hands on my cheek. "I beg you, love. Please go somewhere and hide so he won't hurt you. When it all will be over I'm gonna go and find you" he careless my cheeks with tears in his eyes

I sobbed and nodded slowly "okay, but you have to promise that you'll come back to me," she said and held my hand. I bit my lips before nodding

"I'll do my best to be with you as soon as possible. But now go and take someone with you. Just go as far away as possible" I kissed her lips before kissing her forehead

"I love you" I smiled at her assuringly

"I love you too" she whispered and last kissed me before standing up and packing some things



After a lot and a lot of begging Tom finally allowed me to take Mickey with me instead of some of his guys. The two of them exchanged numbers so Tom will call him after they're done and will pick us up

Mike took Ellie's little bag and threw it over his shoulder before holding her hand and making our way out of the house

Tom said that we can borrow some of his cars so we took a Jeep. Mike sat behind the steering wheel while Ellie and I sat behind him

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