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Putting the gun into my bag. I went to Ellie's room to kiss her goodbye before walking downstairs

I have a 'meeting' tonight with my regular customer. We're meeting almost every Friday ever since I started this job

I last glanced at myself through the mirror before opening the main door. "Where do you think you are going, princess?" I heard Tom's voice and turned around

"I still have a job so..." I turned around and walked through the door towards my car. Tom drove it here a few minutes ago after our 'shooting time'

"You are here to be safe and you're going to some stranger's house? I don't think so, princess" he shook his head and I looked at him confused

"I still have some bills to pay for, you know" I informed him and walked closer with my hands over my chest

"Unfortunately, you have not. I paid for them all. You don't have to pay for them ever again" he said and took a step closer too

"I can't just call John and tell him that I won't come tonight," I said and he rolled his eyes and took the phone from my hand

I saw him scrolling through something before he put my phone to his ear "hello? John? Yes, Hayley won't come tonight. She won't come ever again. Yes. Goodbye" I heard him say and I scrunched my forehead and took the phone from his hand

"Why did you do that? I need that money" I said and looked at my phone display.

"You're living in here now, don't you? I paid for all the bills including your car so you don't have to worry about anything" he took a step closer

"And now, you're my prostitute, no one else's" he whispered in my ear that send chills down my spine. "Now go and dress into something more...normal. You look kinda too hot for me to handle" he bit his lip and looked at my cleavage

I shook my head and walked up the stairs


And now I and Ellie are sitting in the cinema watching Tangled and eating popcorn.

Finally my well deserved time with my lovely sister

When the movie ended I laid Ellie on the bed and kissed her goodnight before going to my own room

I picked up my phone from the nightstand and saw billions of missed calls from Mickey. He has to be worried sick about where the hell are we

I immediately dialed his number and put it on my ear. He picked up almost immediately

"Char? Where the hell are you. I'm so fucking worried. Where is Ellie? What the fuck. Did you leave me? Where are you? Are you okay? Should I pick you up from somewhere?" Mickey throw the questions on me and I forgot almost all of them

"I'm so sorry, babe. I totally forgot. I can't really explain it right now. But I and Ellie moved out of the flat for a while. Please if you are near my flat just go away to your dorm okay? We'll meet tomorrow at the café" I said and sat on my bed

Please don't pull it out right now, please

I heard him sigh on the other side of the phone "fine. Just be safe okay? You'll explain it all tomorrow. Love you"

I smiled "love you too," I said and hung up

"Boyfriend?" I heard someone from the door direction and flinched

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