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A soft knock on the door woke me up from the couch. I sat up and watch the door open to see Dom, Nikki, and Paddy walking into the room

I stood up and sadly smiled at them. Nikki smiled at me back and walked toward her son that was laying on the bed. It was 9 am. I suppose they were on the holiday Tom told me they are going after they saved Char from John

After Nikki sat with Dom who was stroking her back, she stood up and walked to me, and hugged me. I hugged her and stroked her back as well "he'll be okay" I whispered. Suddenly thinking about Sam and Harry. She nodded and hugged me tighter

"What about my twins Sam and Harry?" She asked and pulled away. I looked everywhere but her but she knows me since my birth "Harrison please tell me what happened" she sobbed as her voice cracked

I swallowed nervously and held my tears "I-um...t-they... John killed them" I felt my eyes water. She covered her mouth with her hand as the tears streamed down her cheeks

I hate to see her like that. She is like my second mother. I held her by her head and pulled her on my chest to whisper sweet nothings into her ear. I felt the tears rolling down my cheeks

I looked up and saw Paddy with red eyes and Dom who was looking out the window with his hands in fists, he probably doesn't want us to see him cry. I know the soft side of him but he doesn't want to show it to everyone

After a few minutes she pulled away and walked next to Tom, she sat on the chair beside his bed and held his hand tightly whispering something but I didn't listen and give them some privacy and walked to Paddster

"Hey buddy" I whispered and hugged him patting his back. He sobbed into my shoulder but pulled away after a few seconds and left the room. He is the most closed one...

I sighed and crossed my arms over my chest looking at Dom. Deciding to give him some space, I walked out of the room and went to buy some drinks for everyone

When I walked back, I saw Paddy sitting on the chair in front of Tom's room with his foot tapping against the floor nervously and his hands over his chest

I hand him his favorite juice and smiled at him. He looked up at me, took the drink from my hand, and continued tapping his foot against the floor while drinking it

Sighing, I walked into Tom's room and saw Dom and Nikki hugging each other while watching Tom's not moving body. I looked at them and put their drinks on the table

They smiled at me sadly and I nodded and wanted to walk out when I saw Tom's phone on the table. I picked it up and looked at the screen. It was a little shattered but it still works

I walked out of the room and put in his password before clicking on the contacts and dialing Mike's number

It rang for a few seconds and before I decided to hang up I heard a voice on the other side of the phone "hello?"


I decided to have a little moment for myself. I walked into Mickey's room, locked the door, and sat on the bed while crying.

Tom should call us as soon as he will finish and killed John but he isn't calling and it's already over 14 hours since we left

The fact that he isn't calling has just one explanation... John killed him. Just the thought of it made me cry harder. It isn't possible, Tom is the strongest person I know. He wouldn't die. He can't die!

I buried my hands into my face and cried louder. He promised that he'll call as soon as they'll be finished and there is no possibility that they are still fighting, that's bullshit

I wipe my wet cheeks when I heard a door knock. Taking a deep breath, I walked towards the door "who's there?" I asked trying hard to not sound broken

"Char? Harrison called" I heard Mickey's lower voice say and I immediately opened the door. Mike looked at me like he wanted to hug me but I stopped him

"W-why Harrison? Why hasn't Tom called?" I asked with my voice shaking and Mike sighed "umm, Tom is in a hospital. Harrison wanted to tell you that you can go back. Tom's helicopter will be here in half an hour to pick us up" he said and I nodded and turned around to pack my things

I have 30 minutes to pack my and Ellie's things. Yeah, that is plenty of time. I will start with clothes and end up with bathroom supplies. Yeah sounds good

Before I could pick up my bag, Mike's hand stopped me from doing so and turned me around. I looked at him confused at why doesn't he packing we'll leave in half an hour

"You have to calm down, babe. Tom is going to be fine. You have plenty of time to pack, I already told my parents and they had to leave for work but they were glad to meet you and I also told Ellie. She is already packing her things so just pack your stuff and we'll have time to get to the field where they will land" Mickey hugged me and I immediately relaxed under his touch

I sobbed quietly and nodded my head before slowly packing my things into the bag. "Don't forget anything, if you leave it here I can't promise I won't keep it" he teased and I chuckled and rolled my eyes

I'm sure he could do it


After ten minutes of packing, I finally decided that I have everything and I walked down the stairs with my bag and my phone in my hand. I haven't looked at my phone ever since we went here but when I wanted to turn it on I saw that my phone is dead

I walked into the kitchen and saw Mike and Ellie eating some snacks. I smiled at them and kissed Ellie's head before begging them to get on the field already

Mike took Ellie's bag and held her hand before we walked out of the door "and what about your car?" I asked as I saw his car parked on the driveway "don't worry, Harrison said that he will get some people to drive it back to NYC" he said

After the five minutes walk, we made it to the big field. There were some roe deers eating grass, looking at us. Ellie immediately grinned and run towards them but before she could make it, they all run away into the woods

Ellie frowned and walked back to us with her head down. I and Mike laughed at her but hugged her when she was near us.

After a few minutes of me just staring at the yellow field and Mike and Ellie talking about frozen 2, I heard the sound of a helicopter close to us.

Rising my head I saw the helicopter right above the field trying to land. Mickey both me and Ellie took and bit back so we won't get hurt and we watch the helicopter and a few people in it land

When they finally did, we took our stuff and walked towards the big machine in front of us. Two people walked out of the heli and greet us before they talked to Mike about something. I saw Mike hand them the car keys before he pointed in the direction of his parent's house. They're probably here to take his car back

He turned to us and skipped towards us before taking my and Ellie's bag and walking towards the helicopter with us on his tail

I helped Ellie up and sat her on her seat before jumping in and closing the door behind me. I sat next to my sissy while Mike sat in front of me winking at Ellie. She as always giggled and turned red

I laughed and ruffled her hair "you're too young for this, Ellie" I warned and she pouted at me. I rolled my eyes and looked at Mickey. He stuck his tongue out at me and I replied the favor and chuckled

I looked out of the window as soon as we took off. I'm on my way, love...


Next update 17th Apr

Sorry for the shorter chapter than usual <3

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Hope you like it!!

Love you

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