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Tom has some meeting downstairs tonight. I wanted to say goodnight to him because I know he'll take long before he comes up to our room

Yes. I said our. We decided that when we finally confessed our feelings we could have a room in common so I moved my things into his room and told Ellie the truth. That I like Tom and want to be with him as long as possible

She didn't complain about it but the complete opposite, she was happy for me to finally find some Kenny for myself. Her words, not mine...

I slowly walked down the stairs to see all of them in the living room. Most of them were familiar but the others were strangers

I silently walked to the living room and faced the strangers. One of them send me a dirty look and another a disgusted one. Tom followed their gaze and finally, his eyes landed on me.

He stood up and walked towards me with a worried expression "you shouldn't be here, princess it's dangerous, go back to sleep, I'll be there in a minute" Tom whispered and put a strand of my hair behind my ear "I promise" he stroked my cheek and kissed me gently "okay" I nodded my head and last glanced at the strangers before leaving upstairs to our room

I sat on the bed and scrolled through my phone for a while before deciding to have a bath. I put water in the tub, undressed, and hopped into it. My body relaxed immediately

I rested my head in the back of the tub and played with the bubbles on the surface when I heard a door slam

I jumped from my seat and widened my eyes. Hearing some ruffling and then silence.

I let the light in the room off so someone probably thought that I am asleep on the bed instead of laying here

"Princess?" I heard a familiar voice and my body finally relaxed again "yeah?" I shouted from the bathroom so he can hear me.

The door to the bathroom immediately opened and there stood my prince Charming, just in his black boxers. I bit my lip when I saw him and looked back down at the bubbles

I heard another ruffling and when I looked up I saw naked Tom walking towards the tub. I blushed and looked down again

He gave me a knowing look before getting into the tub in front of me. His hands were laying on the top of the tub as he looked at me intensively

He nodded his head down to tell me to sit on his lap so I stood up and smirked when he checked my body out before sitting on his lap immediately feeling his hard buddy

His hands traveled down my back and to my ass squeezing it. I sighed and put my hands on his collar bones "what about we made some fun before going to sleep?" He whispered and slide his hands down my thighs stroking it

I bit my lip and moved closer so his dick was rubbing against my core. I looked at him through my eyelashes to see him close his eyes and tilt his head backward before groaning "what are you doing to me" he said and raised his head to look back at me

I smiled and played with my fingers on his chest. He moved my head to look at him with his hand and slide them behind my neck before closing the space between us and kissing me

I immediately kissed back and put my hands in between his neck and shoulders. I felt his hands going down before he raised my hips and put them on his dick.

I widened my eyes as I felt his move inside me and pulled away "Tom, I don't want to have kids yet" I said and wanted to get off of him but he catch my hips and directed my opening on his cock again. I moaned with my mouth closed and closed my eyes as well

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