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"FBI put the guns down or we'll be forced to shoot!!"

Mike shouted and just now I saw some people from the crowd holding guns in their hands directed towards the shooters. They were in a circle around all of them

I opened my mouth to say something but immediately shut it out when Mickey looked at me with an assuring smile

The shooters looked around them to see how many people were pointing guns at them and I gasp when I saw the snake sign on their backs

After a minute they finally gave up and put their guns on the ground but before the agents would get to them, some white smoke get into the air and they all disappeared

"Fuck" I heard Mickey say under his breath as he sprinted out of the club to get them but they were already out of sight

I just stood there, my eyes were still wide and I felt my eyes getting wet. I blinked as the tears escaped my eyes

Is all I thought about Mickey a lie? I know him fucking half of my life and just now I find out that he works for fucking FBI for god's sake! This can't be true. He's too young to do this, he's just 23 it's impossible to work for the FBI at that young age, isn't it?

Did he lie to me this whole time about the college? And the responsibilities he has to take care of. I thought he was talking about school and tests and so other shit

I fell on my knees and brought my hands to my face

I don't even know who my best friend is. Is his name Michael or did he just invent it too? What if he lied to me about everything and he acted like that in front of me just to get to me and my problems

"Char" his voice quietly spoke. I brought my hands to my knees and looked at his "no! Don't even try it. Do not speak to me again. Ever!" I snapped and stand up

Wiping my tears away, I pick up my phone and dialed the first number I thought can pick me up

It was picked after a few rings when I get out of the club "Harrison? Can you pick me up I'm at the club named Ice cubes club. I-I just please..."

I sobbed and heard the quick "I'll be there" before the line goes quiet

After five minutes of waiting at the bench with the keys around my fingers, I finally saw a black Audi pulling into the club's driveway

Harrison got out of the car and sped up to me. He checked if I was okay before hugging me. We're not that close but I know that he can sense when someone needs one

I breathed out and hugged him back, resting my head on his shoulder. "Come on let's get you out of here" he whispered comfortingly and rubbed my back

I nodded and wipe my tears before he pulls away and lead me towards his car "you been here with someone?" He asked as he took a driver's seat

"Mmm" I mumbled in response. Harrison looked like he want to ask further but when he saw my sad expression, he didn't

The car ride was quiet the whole time. Harrison drove careful as to be sure that nothing's gonna happen to me, with the radio and some hip hop playing on it

When we pulled towards the house, I quickly got out of the car and walked towards the door, wanting to be in my room as fast as possible

I tried to open them but they were locked and I still don't have my key. I wait for Harrison to finally get to the door and open them before storming in and skipping up the stairs

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